
February 20, 2016

Weekly Report 16-08

‘INFORMAL’ MEDIATION IS AN EXCEPTIONALLY EFFECTIVE MANNER OF ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION – a process of coaxing parties to focus on “surfacing the agenda” to ensure that each party listens and fully hears the other’s core issue(s) – which then facilitates negotiation & compromise on what-it-takes-to-move-forward. Dennis has decades of experience in effectively resolving disputes before... Continue
February 14, 2016

Weekly Report 16-07

• PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL, ESPECIALLY OF MILLENNIALS, OFTEN HAS ADVERSE RESULTS, with employees feeling “less inspired and motivated after the appraisal episodes.” Surveys find the principal reason for this to be the traditional focus on activity – i.e. what the person does – rather than on the outcome results they achieve. Typical annual ‘Evaluation’ programs measure... Continue
February 6, 2016

Weekly Report 16-06

MILLENNIALS GENERALLY “VIEW AND EMBRACE SOCIALISM MORE POSITIVELY THAN CAPITALISM, their faith undermined in our economic system… Much of the blame goes to ‘crony capitalism’ – which is when government provides special favors to some people or businesses, and picks winners or losers in the marketplace… From tax breaks to no-bid contracts, crony deals wreak... Continue
January 30, 2016

Weekly Report 16-05

WORKPLACE ‘ACCOUNTABILITY’ IS NOT REALLY ABOUT “taking the blame when something goes wrong, it’s about “taking initiative and strategic follow-through… to deliver on a commitment with responsibility to the outcome.” The key to holding people accountable mostly involves clarity as to (1) expectations about the outcome, how to achieve it, and how success will be... Continue
January 22, 2016

Weekly Report 16-04

GREEN-FRIENDLY FUEL CELL ELECTRIC VEHICLES aka HYDROGEN-POWERED CARS are the next automotive break-through. Toyota’s Mirai model (successor to the Prius) has a 300-mile range; Honda’s Clarity model boasts up to 435 miles without recharge. Fueling stations are underway in Japan, UK and California (which has allocated $200 million to “build stations in strategic locations around... Continue