
January 27, 2013

Weekly Report 13-05

IT’S NOW BEST TO JUST “ASSUME YOU’RE UNDER GOVERNMENT SURVEILLANCE.” The National Security Agency is building a new $2 billion data center to store data already flowing from thousands of government and some thirty-million commercial cameras which “record your image at banks, tollbooths, grocery stores and public places… Online, emails and website searches are being... Continue
January 20, 2013

Weekly Report 13-04

THIS FLU EPIDEMIC IS REAL AND SERIOUS. With three months of flu ‘season’ to go, the percentage of people treated – for severe fever, chills, muscle aches, coughing and headaches – is already triple last year’s rate, and over 7% have already died in 47 states as the epidemic has spread west across the country.... Continue
January 13, 2013

Weekly Report 13-03

• DYSFUNCTIONAL FISCAL MISMANAGEMENT IN WASHINGTON is “disturbingly similar” to the incompetency of European leaders – “addicted to last-minute, short-term fixes, and so incapable of agreeing on long-term strategy… in three depressing ways: (1) Inability to get beyond ‘patching up’…resorting instead to a succession of temporary fixes… while ignoring underlying fiscal problems; (2) The outside... Continue
January 6, 2013

Weekly Report 13-02

• “MORE THAN HALF OF AMERICAN HOUSEHOLDS HAVE AT LEAST ONE FIREARM, AND THEY’RE NOT GOING AWAY,” according to Gallup. The rejuvenated debate over gun ‘control’ generally ignores two major and related factors in homicide rates. First, that “random mass shootings are typically suicides augmented with multiple murders as a way of dramatizing the shooter’s... Continue
January 1, 2013

Weekly Report 13-01

• GOODYE 2012! A clever and humorous quickie recap: utm_campaign=2012_12_21_JJ_INFO_Year_in_Review&utm_term=email&utm_medium=email&utm_source=StrongMail&utm_content=Fri%2C+21+Dec+2012+08%3A52%3A44+-0800 • “TACTICS IS KNOWING WHAT TO DO WHEN THERE’S SOMETHING TO DO. STRATEGY IS KNOWING WHAT TO DO WHEN THERE’S NOTHING TO DO.” Make 2013 an optimally productive & profitable year with guided focus from Duitch Consulting. Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. •... Continue