Just in Case it Matters to You
Weekly Report 21-15
- “ATTEMPTS TO SILENCE OTHERS IS NOW THE PREVAILING ETHOS IN CORPORATE ‘JOURNALISM’ by the three most influential corporate media outlets, searching for online spaces where their believed speech & conduct rules are being violated, then pleading that punitive action be taken – banning, censorship and content regulations… These organizations have no desire to take on real power centers, such as the military-industrial complex, the CIA, FBI, clandestine security state, Wall Street, or Silicon Valley monopolies… They are now craven servants of the Democratic Party, with the cowardice and complicity by rest of the media class suggesting that, eventually, reporters at legacy news outlets will be targeted as well. Calls funded by the Ford Foundation/ Soros/ Bloomberg/ Bezos (in particular, to take Fox News off the air) have become deafening – going after advertisers and the companies that carry signals into peoples’ homes.” Their version of Unity is the one billionaire voice. [EPOCH TIMES – 2/12/21]
- U.S. BUDGET DEFICITS ARE NOW PROJECTED ABOVE $1 TRILLION ANNUALLY OVER THE NEXT DECADE – even before the latest $1.9 trillion current spending proposed by Congress. A trillion is one- thousand billions. Even at today’s spending level, the Congressional Budget Office forecasts National Debt to grow to a point where Interest payments alone exceed the size of our entire economy (measured by GDP, the total value of goods & services produced) “on course to become the single largest government program.” Moreover, budget deficit spending does not even count massive ‘unfunded obligations’ such as social security and Medicare. The recklessness with which our elected representatives continue to fund unnecessary programs – for political purposes, cultural transformation, foreign countries, etc. – without regard for the threat to America’s unique human rights, citizens’ security or welfare of future generations is shameful. [MARKETWATCH – 2/12/21]
- HOSPITAL CHARGES ACROSS AMERICA FOR THE EXACT SAME PROCEDURES NOW VARY BY UP TO TEN TIMES, “with little bearing on actual cost or value of service, but based on the hospital’s own targets for margins, and according to what the market will pay.” Low end pricing is mandated by government Medicare or Medicaid, private insurers pay more based on negotiated rates which consider their capacity to drive more patients to a certain hospital. A Wall Street Journal analysis reports price variation examples like Hip or Knee Replacement ranging from $15K to $75K; Spinal Fusion prices between $50K to $250K; and Heart procedures anywhere between $70K and $515K. “Rising hospital prices accounted for about 20% of the nation’s health spending growth over the past fifty years… with pricing negotiated confidentially between the hospitals and employer groups & insurance companies which pay for care… ‘Transparency disclosure’ which was initiated by the Trump administration could promote market dynamics which reduce costs paid by employers & workers, unless reversed under the new administration. [ZEROHEDGE – 2/13/21]
- AMERICAN WOKE-ISM IS NOW EVEN “TOO CRAZY FOR THE FRENCH… The progressive socialist utopia of France has been the go-to example of what the radical left wanted for America,” but now considers the degree being promulgated by “‘unstable products of America’s education system who are now running companies, in the media and the Biden administration, to be a cancer and existential threat to French sovereignty & stability… French politicians, high-profile intellectuals, journalists & even Education Minister are warning that targeting of conservative voices & organizations for silencing (specifically on race, gender & post-colonialism), based on social science theories and identity politics founded on evidence-less claims and logical fallacies, involving appeals to emotion or ad hominem attacks suggesting that opposition to ‘fair policies’ amounts to racism, sexism or homophobia… are undermining their society.” Just bizarre. [RED STATE – 2/12/21]
- THOUGHTS FOR THE WEEK: Great site for music from any year: http://thenostalgiamachine.com/
Listen to any radio station around the world: radio.garden where green dots on this Google Earth map represent cities.
A mixed message from the 2022 Tokyo Olympics committee which has banned hugs, hive-fives and other forms of ‘unnecessary forms of physical contact’ but has approved distribution of 150,000 condoms to Olympic Village residents