• LATEST ON REALITY OF CLIMATE CHANGE: A new study led by Smithsonian and U. of Arizona utilized 150,000 estimates of global temperature over nearly half a billion years, calculated from chemical indicators preserved in fossil shells. Results determined (they believe) conclusively that: (1) Carbon dioxide is the dominant control on global temperature across geological time spanning 52 to 97 degrees Fahrenheit, while life diversified, populated land and endured multiple mass extinctions; (2) Humans have lived in mostly a 10-degree range with current global temp at 59; (3) Gas emissions from human-caused carbon dioxide is warming the planet at a faster rate than the average curve, putting species and ecosystems at risk as well as causing a rapid rise in sea level; (4) It is unlikely that we will be able to adapt to expected temperature in years 2100 to 2500. Just FYI.  [ARIZONA.EDU – 9/19/24]
  • DECLINING BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY IS OFTEN AN IMPACT OF EMPLOYEE ‘BURNOUT’ which stems from corporate culture. Burnout is essentially a response to “chronic work stress which leaves workers feeling not only exhausted and less effective, but also disengaged from and often negative toward their work role when it becomes overly demanding and stressful.” Leaders can alleviate these negative impacts on the individuals as well as facilitate positive impact on productivity & profitability. DCG have decades of experience in developing strategic company culture; call us for courtesy consult. A comprehensive article: https://psyche.co/guides/how-to-recover-from-burnout-and-regain-a-sense-of-purpose 
  • THE COVER UP CONSPIRACY TO GET MIGRANTS ACROSS THE BORDER “while at the same time making a show of supposedly working to secure the border” took another hit last week. Supplementing previous testimony from the Border Patrol Chief and other agents, the Sector Chief who oversaw some thousand miles of border testified to House Homeland Security Committee that “he had been instructed to hide the gravity of illegal immigration crisis from the press, had released illegal aliens by the hundreds each day including daily flights from San Diego to Texas to quiet the problem, and was barred from discussing a jump in those with suspected ties to nations or organizations with National Security concerns.”  [PATRIOT POST – 9/23/24]
  • CURRENT CONSERVATIVE PROPOSALS TO ‘CUT TAXES’ over the next decade and reduce many government agency budgets are being lambasted by Liberals – whose platform is to raise taxes – as ‘fiscal irresponsibility’ and as burdensome ‘costs.’ But these are more bogus political argument. The fact is that while reduction of funds available to squander on foreign wars & aid, immigrant welfare, redundant federal administration of education, prosecution of political rivals, cronies and so forth, may be called a ‘cost’ to government, that’s certainly not so to the American public who benefit from increased business spending on hiring, materials & services, as well as capacity for improved health, recreation, and life balance.  Indeed, government spending can always be funded with additional deficits, but then at the risk voter dissatisfaction which might impact politicians’ subsequent personal options…

                                                   THOUGHTS FOR THE WEEK:

  •  Why has Election Integrity become such an important issue especially this year? Because: (1) of the pandemic expansion of unverified mail-in balloting, during many weeks before & after Election Day; and (2) in many states – including California/ Pennsylvania/ Texas/ Arizona – of automatic Registration upon issuance of a driver’s license (under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 intended to push people to vote) irrespective of citizenship, thus including illegal immigrants.
  •  XENNIALS are today’s Senior generation born in the world of the 40’s and 50’s, who grew up thru the 60s, studied, dated, discovered the world, then in the 70s-80s married and raised families, and somewhat stabilized in the 90s. /  By the turn of the century, as analog evolved to digital over the next two decades, Xennials made it to today.  Having lived through nearly nine overwhelmingly different decades, today’s seniors have gone from a party-line telephone through an operator to video connection anywhere in the world, from vinyl records to online music on demand, from handwritten letters to email, social media & YouTube, from radio to black & white TV then HDTV, from Blockbuster to YouTube & streaming channels, from typewriters to computers, punch cards, diskettes, and now gigabytes of global connection on cell phones. /  Seniors rode skates & tricycles, invented automobiles, mopeds, gasoline & diesel cars, then electric vehicles, have dodged infantile paralysis, meningitis, H1N1 flu and COVID-19.  /  The Xennial Generation has literally lived through and witnessed more than any other generation in every dimension of life, and adapted to change.    Reality is that “Life” is about recognizing that Time doesn’t stop. When you look… it’s already six in the afternoon, it’s already Friday; the month is over; another year is over; and decades have passed!   Wise Xennials do not stop doing something they enjoy due to lack of time, recognizing that the day is today, appreciating friends/ family/ pleasures and existence simply for what life IS, and not procrastinating for what may or not be tomorrow.  [ANON]