Weekly Reports August 2024

August 28, 2024

Weekly Report 24-37

  •   ‘SAVING OUR DEMOCRACY’ MEANS REPLACING GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS with ones that actually teach instead of indoctrinate. Today’s structure evolved after WWII, “when competence tests were declared discriminatory, forcing companies to rely on formal education to discover talent and, like most... Continue
  • August 28, 2024

    Weekly Report 24-36

  • AGING DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE A SLOW AND STEADY PROCESS. Latest research at Stanford University found that “accumulation of wrinkles, aches & pains or a general sensation of having grown older almost overnight” has a scientific explanation, and actually... Continue
  • August 15, 2024

    Weekly Report 24-35

  •   “USING TABLETS AS ‘e-BABYSITTERS FOR TODDLERS BRINGS MORE TANTRUMS, which in turn can have harried parents trying to calm a child by handing them a tablet.” Canadian researchers report that screen time in early childhood can disrupt their ability... Continue
  • August 8, 2024

    Weekly Report 24-34

  • “THE THING THAT MAKES BUSINESS TRICKY is that almost every situation is novel in some way, with different products/ services/ types of employees/ markets/ etc., so it’s situational in nature.” Even hindsight has its limits, since today’s world isn’t yesterday’s... Continue
  • August 1, 2024

    Weekly Report 24-30

  • BEST TO MIND YOUR MANNERS WITH CHATBOTS. While, according to McKinsey, some 85% of Americans believe that civility (i.e. manners) have declined in the last decade and 90% feel youngsters have become disrespectful as a result of social media and... Continue