- TOP LEADERS MUST NOT ONLY THINK STRATEGICALLY, BUT ALSO PRACTICE THE ‘LITTLE THINGS that impact daily progress. A few of the most important, which too often get lost in the stress of daily operations are: (1) Keeping things in perspective and not overreacting to surprises. “Virtually nothing is as bad, or as good, as it seems at first”; (2) Accepting team members for who they are. “No one is great at everything, yet everyone is good at something.” Accept their good points and work on the not-so-good ones over time; (3) Being authentic. It’s okay to emulate the qualities you respect in others, but don’t try to be someone you’re not; (4) Not blurring process (the plan for what to do) with procedures (the steps-by-steps for getting it done); and (5) Always talking with, not at, your team. [BUILDITBACKWARDS.COM – Nov 7, 17]
- FARM ANIMALS AND THEIR EXCREMENT CREATE SMELLY BUILDINGS AND YARDS which, besides being unhealthy for farmworkers & neighbors and contributing to less productive animals, are bad for business. Scientists at Iowa State University have now developed a ‘painting’ process involving chemicals which, when combined with ultraviolet light, can breakdown the organic compounds of animal excrement (i.e. manure) to cut levels of noxious chemicals and eliminate odor by major percentages – up to 100% in winter conditions. “Smelly farms may succumb to subtle science.” [THE ECONOMIST – Nov 11, 17]
- NEARLY 300 U.S. OLYMPIC COACHES & OFFICIALS FROM 15 DIFFERENT SPORTS have been publically accused of sexual misconduct with athletes over the last few decades, of which 175 have been so far been convicted of sex crimes. The U.S.O.C., with some $230 million annual revenues, oversees governing bodies for each of the 47 sports, which then oversee local coaches & clubs working with more than 11 million kids. But “thousands of pages of records produced in lawsuits filed by abuse victims evidence a culture in which limiting legal risk and preserving gold medal chances have been given priority over protecting children… while officials have delayed by balking at common child protection measures as costly (e.g. $20 per background check) and intrusive… Young athletes are often desperate for the attention & approval of coaches, and parents (many of whom are unfamiliar with the intricacies of an esoteric sport) often defer to coaches who have an unusual amount of control & power over athlete success.” Additionally, cultural factors – particularly in individual sports like gymnastics – “leave children at heightened risk of abuse,” as currently evidenced by 130 accusations against that team physician. [WASHINGTON POST – Nov 17, 17]
- “EACH OF US HAS BEEN BORN INTO A GIVEN HISTORICAL REALITY, ruled by particular norms & values, managed by a unique economic & political system. We take this reality for granted, thinking that it is natural, inevitable and immutable, while forgetting that our world was created by an accidental chain of events, and that history shaped not only our politics & society, but also our thoughts, fears & dreams… We assume that it is a natural and inescapable part of who we are… and that the universe revolves around humankind with humans the source of all meaning and authority.” But the state of our existence today is dramatically at conflict with that perceived reality. For a realistic perspective on the direction of where “mankind is headed,” thought-provokingly presented, we recommend HOMO DEUS – A BRIEF HISTORY OF TOMORROW, by Yual Harrari. Worth the read.
- BE CAUTIOUS THIS HOLIDAY SEASON AROUND SICK OTHERS. Norovirus is a major source of illness each year with an estimated 20 million Americans experiencing a day or two of “violent diarrhea, vomiting and stomach cramps… contracted from ingesting aerosolized particles (small enough to float on air) which have been contaminated with an infected person’s vomit or poop.” Yuck. As tacky as it may look, consider wearing a mask at holiday gatherings. [LEVINE BRIEFING NEWS – Nov 20, 17]
- ANY MOBILE PHONE CAN NOW BE BUGGED, TRACKED & HACKED from anywhere in the world. Your mobile device is essentially an open pocketbook & file cabinet to your life. How it’s done is the outgrowth of real world espionage and “potentially the weapon of our own destruction.” A 20-minute documentary shows how calls, texts & email data is being captured by commercial spies, crime rings and local hackers via the Electronic Signaling System SS7 – which covers 7 billion smartphones across 800 telephone companies – with an inexpensive piece of technology. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4tUx1W3zLc
- THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: “Here we are, our system mired in endless hearings and investigations… beset by media leaks, speculation and wanton calls for impeachment, and the people’s business all but forgotten in the maelstrom of partisan rancor. One has to wonder… what makes the Russians think that they can do a better job of undermining our democracy than we do??”