Just in Case it Matters to You
Weekly Report 18-37
- STRATEGIC PLANNING IS NOT JUST A BUZZ-PHRASE, it’s the process by which businesses can address the array of challenges that lead to success or failure, whether intending to expand or just stabilize. The process effectively has three dimensions: (1) Clarifying a STRATEGY which articulates the consensus Vision of what owners ‘want to get to and look like’ at some time-targeted point, with explicit measurable Goals; (2) Developing an OPERATING PLAN which defines ‘what it will take to make that happen,’ with tangible Objectives – time lines, required people & financial resources – necessary to minimize risks and optimally execute the Strategy; (3) Implementing a BUSINESS PLAN which focuses on action steps to achieve the targeted levels of revenue/profitability/cash flow referenced to reality-based assumptions. STRATEGIC PLANNING is most effective when all important stakeholders have some voice in developing these elements – not just the C-Execs, but also key Managers, Advisors, sometimes Investors/Financiers and even key Clients. DCG have decades of experience in facilitating this critical business process. Let us help you achieve your Vision before your reality check bounces.
- CYBERCRIME IS GROWING AND UNSTOPPABLE SO FAR. EVERY 60 SECONDS, nearly 1,900 people fall victim to scams from an average of 23 email phishing attacks and some 1,275 newly-introduced malware variants which extract over 5.500 records. 1½ businesses also fall victim to ransomware during that minute. “Social engineering has been a problem since before the internet existed, and will continue throughout the digital age… When attackers compromise web assets, there’s often no way for anyone to possibly know, so there’s nothing a user can do to protect themselves” entirely. But cybersecurity can materially reduce the odds of it happening to you, and DCG can help. [THREATPOST – Aug 23, 18]
- OVER 2/3 OF U.S. PARENTS BELIEVE IN SPANKING UNRULY CHILDREN WHEN DISCIPLINE IS NECESSARY, and 19 states allow teachers to paddle misbehaving students. But the majority of research (based on review of 75 studies involving 160,000 kids) disagrees – contending “there is no evidence that spanking is associated with improved child behavior or helping them learn to regulate their own behavior… Other studies also suggest that young adults who were spanked are more likely to attempt suicide, drink heavily, use drugs, and are more prevalent to depression, antisocial behavior, aggression & negative relationships with family members.” While these studies and statistics neglect to address other critical factors – like sociological, geographical, environmental, or economic – which materially impact child-rearing, the “percentage of young middle-income mothers of kindergartners who endorse corporal punishment” has dropped more than 50% over the past three decades. [WEB MD – May 18]
- CONGRESSIONAL RESPONSE TO THE 9/11 TERRORIST ATTACKS, when fraudulent Identification allowed the boarding & hijacking of aircraft, was to pass the ‘Real ID Act’ which mandated a more secure process (in the form of an in-depth verified State issued license) to access federal facilities, enter nuclear power plants and board federally regulated commercial aircraft. California obtained extensions for enforcement allowing existing Drivers Licenses to apply thru October 1, 2020. But now, the process for Renewal of California licenses (mandatory by 10/1/20) requires an in-person appointment to ensure ‘proof’ of identity through: (1) passport or birth certificate, (2) social security card or W-2 form, and (3) address verification via 3rd party documents like utility or cell phone bills, auto registration, bank records, property title, tax filings, etc. DMV has been overloaded, so advice is do not wait for appointment to renew until the last minute before current license expiration.
- INTERNET-BASED ACTIVITIES OF TEENS HAS UNSURPRISINGLY SKYROCKETED. Latest research found daily online-time now exceeds 6 hours for high school seniors, 5 hours for tenth-graders, and 4 hours for eighth-graders. The San Diego State Univ. study also found that one-third of adolescents “have not read a single book or even touched a Kindle in the past year,” although 16% did read a magazine and 2% read a newspaper.” [LBN EXAMINER – Aug 29, 18]
- THOUGHTS FOR THE WEEK: A new survey by Gallup shows that 85% of American workers are ‘satisfied’ with their jobs, and only 43% of American workers “feel they are underpaid and not earning what they’re worth,” down from over half a decade ago.
Illusion at its best: https://www.youtube.com/embed/mYTNQhK5Cgk?rel=0&start=043&end=196&fs=1&showinfo=0&modestbranding=1&autohide=2&iv_load_policy=3
An excellent, straight-forward presentation on the seven regrettable perspectives of ‘poor people’ versus those who accumulate income & wealth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTxOjLt30Ok&app=desktop