• WHY MEDIATION VERSUS LITIGATING DISPUTES? DCG professional services include Informal Mediation, a negotiation process which is voluntary, private, always substantially faster, cheaper and dramatically less stressful. The process involves only the principal parties communicating with each other in quiet & neutral settings – versus attorneys speaking on their behalf.  It focuses on economic/ financial/ tax and reality-based alternatives for compromise, as opposed to legal possibilities for decisions to be rendered by a 3rd-party judge (or jury). While mediation is non-binding so does not produce a guaranteed result, in most Family and Partner disputes, where underlying emotional factors are also involved, Mediation is the most effective and sensible strategy. DCG have decades of experience in ADR – alternative dispute resolution. Call for courtesy consultation.
  • DECADES OF RESEARCH FIND THAT: (1) WITHOUT SEVEN HOURS MINIMUM NIGHTLY SLEEP, cognitive impairment worsens reaction times, short-term memory, and logical reasoning (similar to what happens as blood alcohol content increases), and next-day productivity drops as result of decreased concentration & focus with likelihood for mistakes, traffic accidents and workplace injuries; (2) Since humans have a network of timekeeping genes and proteins with daily cycles of rest & activity, people whose lives are synchronized with their body clock signals are less fatigued, have better moods, maintain healthier weights, think more clearly, and realize long-term health outcomes; (3) About one in three U.S. adults report trouble falling or staying asleep, mostly due to routines which don’t match bodily cycles, so the body tries to compensate by churning out stress or hunger hormones, pumping extra sugar and raising blood pressure.  Simplest tips for better sleep: Avoid heavy meals/ caffeine/ alcohol 2-3 hours before a consistent bedtime & wake up, in a dark & quiet room, at  55 – 70 degrees temp.  [REUTERS – 4/8/23]
  • AMERICA IS RAPIDLY LOSING CONTROL OF GLOBAL FINANCIAL MARKETS, “hastened by actively feckless foreign policy.” This month China and Brazil abandoned the U.S. Dollar agreeing to denominate sales of LNG and other raw materials in Yuan and Reals; Saudi Arabia is currently in talks to sell its oil in Yuan instead of Petrodollars; Malaysia is also considering the Asian Monetary Fund as an alternative to Dollar dependency after its prime minister said there is “no reason to depend on it. With an unsustainable $32 trillion deficit having stemmed from political policies that “began with the War on Terror, the 2007 recession, and a southern border open to random immigrants/ human trafficking/ drug smugglers, other countries now perceive the U.S. as willing to destabilize the global financial system for ideological reasons and as an unreliable custodian… The petrodollar is failing as result of political neglect, contempt, and is becoming a threat to democracy.” [WASHINGTON EXAMINER – 4/11/18]
  • BEYOND THE INTERNAL NATIONAL CHAOS RESULTING FROM INEPT FEDERAL LEADERSHIP, the leadership of President Biden’s administration has contributed to current global chaos by actions including: (1) abandoning Afghanistan’s $300M airbase & $billions of military equipment to Taliban fighters; (2) ignoring China’s stonewalling info & responsibility for the Covid pandemic; (3) ‘meekly asking’ Putin to make their cyberattacks ‘off limits’ to critical American infrastructure; (4) insulting and refusing to meet with Saudi Arabia’s ruler; (5) ignoring Iran’s geo-strategic partnership with China & Russia, while offering concessions to re-enter the nuclear deal; (6) restoring financial aid to radical Palestinians and alienating Israel’s government; (7) stopping all border wall construction, encouraging millions of migrants from other countries, and reinstating ‘catch & release’ for illegal entries; (8) ignoring Mexican cartel smuggling of drugs, particularly deathly Fentanyl; (9) encouraging the Pentagon’s woke agenda while ignoring battlefield readiness; (10) ignoring and continuing to increase the country’s unsustainable debt. [VICTOR DAVIS HANSON – 4/14/23]
  • Just released: Thoughts on Life in Rhyme & Sculpture: End of an Era  “Life’s no more than a balancing act, with each of us on stage. No rights or wrongs, ifs, ands, or buts; we react and turn the page” writes poet Dennis Gray Duitch. His newest collection of THOUGHTS ON LIFE in Rhyme & Sculpture range from celebration to condescension of culture, environment and the human predicament — focusing on the ostensible purposes and motivations in life and society, mostly from a 20,000-foot perspective. His thoughts reveal the complexities, joys, and tribulations of relationships, business, politics, and the American economy, while finding one’s purpose amidst the craziness and uncertainty of life in our times. An original and refreshing, while often disconcerting, perspective on the paradoxes in our world.” https://www.amazon.com/s?k=thoughts+on+life+in+rhyme+%26+sculpture&crid=XW8A55TBIQIO&sprefix=thoughts+on+life+in+rhyme+%26+sculpture%2Caps%2C143&ref=nb_sb_noss
  • Forecasting the Artificial Intelligence Future from 2023 to 2100 – we’re close to ‘Artificial General Intelligence’ (AGI) where almost all previously human processes become automated, and AGI becomes ‘humanity’s final invention’ –evolving to become the primary decision maker in most industries and legacy-human behavior. 13-minutes of very scary perspective.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIuQZN0QCSA