
June 8, 2013

Weekly Report 13-24

NON-FINANCIAL MOTIVATORS REMAIN MORE EFFECTIVE than the highest-rated financial incentives (salary, bonus or equity-stock options), even in this economy. A McKinsey survey of more than 1,000 C-level Execs, Managers & Directors found that employee priorities continue to be: (1) “Praise and commendation from their immediate manager; (2) Attention from leaders; and (3) Opportunities to lead... Continue
June 1, 2013

Weekly Report 13-23

BEHAVIORAL AND COMMUNICATION STYLE IMPACTS HOW A PERSON FILTERS INFORMATION and the degree to which they can (or not) be guided by professional or personal advice. This applies to all persons: customers, clients, employees, children, friends & relatives. One profile system defines styles by four categories: (1) Driver/Director – highly assertive and generally more confident... Continue
May 25, 2013

Weekly Report 13-22

SINCE ONLY 1/10TH OF 1% OF PEOPLE RESPOND TO UNSOLICITED EMAIL ADVERTISING, and under 3% to physical junk mail, most of the $170 billion spent yearly by direct marketers simply “annoys people, creates landfill and clutters spam filters.” But marketers never give up; latest IBM research is now focused on social media ‘tweets’ which indicate... Continue
May 20, 2013

Managing Business in the New E-conomy

By Dennis Duitch, CPA, MBA Too often, business executives find themselves in the role of “juggler,” as the process of allocating scarce resources (time, capital, skilled labor) to the most critical business tasks or issues competes and conflicts with longer-range business strategies. Moreover, when operational problems arise, they too often get resolved superficially, when allocated... Continue
May 18, 2013

Weekly Report 13-21

EIGHTY-MILLION TEEN TO 20-SOMETHING KIDS form the “biggest age grouping in American history… and are the most threatening yet exciting generation since baby boomers brought about social revolution – not because they’re trying to take over the establishment, but because they’re growing up without one… Because Millennials don’t respect authority, they also don’t resent it... Continue