• OF NON-HOME-BASED U.S. BUSINESSES, 99.7% HAVE FEWER THAN 100 EMPLOYEES – roughly 23 million companies which employ over half the working population and generate over half the country’s sales. Up to 380,000 are projected to be sold in each of the next thirteen years as Baby Boomers retire, most of which will be ‘valued’ without having optimized their productivity or profitability due primarily to absence of common sense strategic or business planning. DCG has decades of experience in planning, positioning and negotiating for optimal price, minimal taxation, and realistic post-retirement financial protection. Call us before your reality check bounces!
  • THE AMAZING STATE OF TODAY’S TECHNOLOGY: (1) a 4-seat hybrid with wings is the future of transportation: youtube.com/watch?v=D4uSWtazRCM ;  (2) a smart-phone app can now digitize online eye exams and accurately deliver a prescription via desktop printer; (3) life-like Virtual Reality (VR):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yplHQhaVXU
  • OBAMACARE FRAUD IS RUNNING RAMPANT. The latest Government Accountability Office (GAO) audit – utilizing fake applications with bogus or incomplete documents) – found eleven out of twelve “fictitious people obtained coverage with federal subsidies around $30,000 to help pay for it. And all eleven were automatically re-enrolled for the following year, some getting even bigger subsidies.” Why are there no antifraud measures in a program headed towards taxpayer funding of $100 billion annually within a decade? Simple: “After the website launch debacle, officials made ease of access a priority over detection of fraud… The weak link, GAO concluded, is phone registration where sign-ups don’t need supporting documentation” (like social security number, citizenship status, income eligibility, etc). Neither U.S. Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS which is responsible for the Exchanges and supposed to follow up), nor I.R.S. (responsible for checking tax returns to confirm income eligibility) is equipped budget-wise to follow up – so basically neither does. What a system! [BLOOMBERG BUSINESSWEEK – Aug 3, 15]
  • “HOW DID IMMIGRANTS BECOME A SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MORE POWERFUL THAN AMERICANS? Shouldn’t politicians be more concerned with what citizens think of them than what foreigners do? …Contrary to everything you’ve heard, the only options are not: Amnesty or Deporting 11 million people. There’s also the option of letting them stay in the shadows – or the same thing we’ve been doing for the last thirty years. Americans are under no moral obligation to grant amnesty to people who have broken our laws. ‘The moral thing to do’ is usually defined as ‘following the law.’ The fact that Democrats want 30 million new voters is not a good enough reason to ignore the law and screw over American workers, as well as legal immigrants already here, who did wait in line and follow the rules… Everyone knows that one amnesty begets more illegal aliens, which begets another amnesty – it’s called incentive, and there’s less of an incentive if the gate is locked… Being incessantly told by the media and politicians that ‘fences don’t work’ is like being told wheels don’t work. The New York Times rationale is that ‘Would-be migrants still find ways over, under, through and around them.’ True, just like wheels still find ways to bend, break or spring leaks. China built a 13,000-mile wall several centuries before Christ, and it’s still working.” [ADIOS AMERICA – Ann Coulter]
  • HUMANISTIC TENDENCIES HAVE MORE THAN SUBTLE DISTINCTIONS: Altruism is a form of selflessness which involves sympathizing with others “in order to stimulate their happiness and/or reduce their suffering.” Empathy involves the “ability to put yourself in the place of others, hoping to understand them better.” Compassion suggests a “patronizing kind of pity, a form of commiseration that expresses a detached attitude towards one suffering.”  [INTELLIGENT OPTIMIST – SUMMER 15] 
  • WORD FOR THE WEEK: “Askhole” – a person who constantly asks for your advice, yet always does the opposite of what you told them…
  • “Whoever believes that the Iran Agreement will bring that regime into the community of nations betrays a breathtaking ignorance.” Dennis Prager presents a 5-minute video of unfathomable evil, nearly exact parallel with Nazi Germany, and the stupidity of this Administration:  http://www.prageruniversity.com/Political-Science/The-Iran-Nuclear-Deal.html#.VcBa7_lBmQs
  • SuperPowerPoker over Nuclear War: Funny if not so tragic. https://www.youtube.com/embed/IVpIQ4EjOpc
  • “Most of American life is driving somewhere and then driving back wondering why the hell you went.”  – John Updike