- BUSINESS LEADERSHIP IS PREDOMINANTLY INTUITIVE, about setting vision & strategy, developing objectives which drive growth & operating results while optimally managing finance and, as in today’s environment, effectively managing crisis – “leading the troops while things are falling apart and dealing with ambiguity as fear from uncertainty becomes contagious… When crisis hits, everything blurs as events and their implications constantly change,” and focus on importance (matters impacting the highest payoff versus lowest risk) as well as ‘urgency’ becomes absolutely critical. Steps to best effectively manage responses to the ambiguity of crisis uncertainty involve: “Anticipating what lies ahead; Navigating & course correcting in real time; Communicating continually & consistently; Listening & hearing to comprehend reality; Learning from experience to apply in the future; and then Leading with confidence.” BUT LEADERSHIP IS ALSO ABOUT MANAGING RISK, and “perceiving risk is all about how scary or not the facts feel at the moment… Once the coronavirus outbreak is contained and a couple of years go by, the fear of pandemics will fade (if we’re lucky) and a new threat will emerge (like a large-scale cyberattack that takes down our energy structure).” Even though any ‘disaster’ scenario beyond fire/theft/liability/etc. is imaginable, future undeterminable risk protection seldom gets priority spending approval. “Businesses just don’t have a strong incentive to be catastrophe-proof… And, after all, when a widespread risk is realized, the government is always there – as it is this time – to socialize the losses.” [CFO – Apr/May 20]
- INTERESTING STATS: Source is unverified, but supposedly the population of our planet roughly breaks down: 57% Asians, 21% Europeans, 14% Americans (North, Central and South), 8% Africans; 52% women, 30% Christian, 70% non-Caucasian, 89% heterosexual; while six Americans would possess 59% of the wealth, 80% would live in poverty, 70% would be illiterate, half would suffer from hunger and malnutrition, 1% would own a computer, and only 1% would have a university degree. [https://www.slideshare.net/hectorham/lighteninginajar ]
- GENERATION Z, aka the iGen, are today in elementary schools through college, growing up in a time where “both physical & economic uncertainty is under threat and constant disruption – including from climate-induced natural disasters as well as the coronavirus pandemic. At the upper end, most are “entering adulthood as seismic shifts in our society, economy and workforce are occurring, profoundly influencing their perspective on what education & vocation to pursue, where to work & live, whether to buy & invest. This will be a generation of savers and pragmatists.” [INTERCHANGE-GROUP – 4/29/20] DCG have decades of experience in offering guidance to both parents and children on the realities they face and risk/reward of varying alternatives. Clients, contacts & friends are welcome to call Dennis for courtesy consultation.
- SCARY THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: In its infinite wisdom, The World Health Organization’s ‘Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe’ now advises that children be taught about sexually pleasuring themselves and transgenderism by age 4 – before they’ve even fully learned to talk. In the age 4-6 bracket, educators are further urged to give information about same-sex relationships. In any sane world, should any child of this age should be exposed to any kind of information about sex whatsoever?