Just in Case it Matters to You
Weekly Report 20-70
- AS THE PANDEMIC DRAGS ON AND VIRTUAL REMOTE WORK CONTINUES INDEFINATELY, ‘HOME BURNOUT’ IS INCREASING. Latest survey of 1,500 respondents found three-quarters of home workers saying they feel burnt-out, with four-in-ten attributing it to “decision fatigue around when the workday will begin & end, and working longer hours.” Another survey found that half of employers do not offer “any support related to the pandemic or racial justice movement,” which creates further stress additionally contributing to burnout. Managers should be alert to simple signs including: (1) Evidence of exceptionally long hours or weekend emails; (2) Behaviors that evidence lessened motivation or concentration, procrastination or missed deadlines; (3) Reduced communication, change in mood or demeanor like impatience or temper; (4) “Articulated feelings of ineffectiveness or lack of accomplishment… Business leaders must find ways to ensure that employees are supported and prioritize their mental health, especially when no one can predict when and if things will ever return to pre-pandemic normal.” [FAST COMPANY – 8/26/20]
- ONLY TEN MORE WEEKS UNTIL THE ELECTION AND HOPEFUL RETURN TO SANITY from the shameful propaganda and absence of respect for Office of the Presidency or the Rule of Law. “Addicts know no shame, disgracing themselves so many times, they become immune to it. [JOHN GRISHAM]… Leftists are addicted to their own rage, reduced to hurling ridiculous accusations, virtually blaming President Trump for everything and anything… exhibiting & rationalizing a toxic dependency on cruelty to those they abhor (Trump and his supporters), driven only by their hatred for this President’s personality, style and having beaten their candidate in 2016. They rarely look beneath the surface of any issue or person, and assume without consideration that anyone with a different perspective is a moron… With full support from Congressional & Senate leadership, the furious & frenzied Left found treatment for its own epidemic of sudden-onset psychosis by banding its members together in unity to bring the man down, by descending into the gutter that is social media to vent their outrage, ignoring or twisting any & all facts that deviate from their narrative, spewing provable lies, and publishing hateful distortions of the truth all day long, calling it ‘news’… Truth is hard, propaganda is cheap.” It’s understandably guerilla warfare for survival, but pathetic. [AMERICAN THINKER – 4/7/20]
- IT’S BEEN WIDELY REPORTED THAT MOST PANDEMIC DEATH RATES HAVE BEEN OVERSTATED, treated as dying from Covid-19 versus dying with the virus. A new Swedish study of people above age 87 who died “outside of a hospital setting, either at home or in accommodation for the elderly, found only 15% directly caused by Covid-19, and 70% where it was a ‘contributory’ cause, since every person was already in bad health with a short lifespan. The remaining 15% of deaths were caused by another underlying disease, often Heart, and unrelated to Covid. [SPECTATOR.US – 8/25/20]
The supposed ‘second wave’ of COVID-19 cases is A hoax. Daily positive tests reported for the virus is meaningless, since testing has also been increasing.icted by the orange line. But the data we really care about is the ratio of the number of positive tests to the total number given which continues to decrease steadily. It’s clearly evident there was never any big ‘second wave’ of COVID-19 infections, and all the lockdown measures that continue to be inflicted are based on a lie. They will be teaching this in sociology classes hundreds of years from now. It’s the quintessential case of how large numbers of experts can be controlled to ends of destructive ignorance — by means of mob rule instigated through violence, panic and social intimidation.” [RED STATE – 8/26/20]