Just in Case it Matters to You
Weekly Report 21-06
- PREVENTING ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE with a non-invasive wearable device which “stimulates the brain to target sense of smell” has been developed by scientists at a New Zealand university. Dementia is the condition where memory & thinking abilities lapse – a result of “tangles & plaque buildup of countless cells & neurons on the brain…most susceptible to people who are anxious, moody, impulsive, and who generally worry more.” The new study claims a Google Glass-like device also “has potential to help coma recovery and reverse the onset of Parkinson’s disease” – a monumental invention for some 14 million Americans above age 65 now projected to have cognitive decline in the next few decades. [LBN EXAMINER – 10/18/20 and SCIENCE TIMES – 12/23/21]
- CAUTION: AVOID iPHONE-12 IF YOU WEAR A PACEMAKER, which can “shut down just by being near it. Researchers have confirmed that the new charging technology (“a magnetic array on the device back designed to make wireless charging easier) can completely suspend the application of a pacemaker, which involves “high voltage shock therapy for ventricular tachycardia fibrillation.” [HEART RHYTHM JOURNAL – 1/4/21]
- “TO SAFEGUARD U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY, supply chain information, and communications technology & services from espionage and exploitation by malicious foreign adversaries,” President Trump had issued an Executive Order twenty months ago. This week the Commerce Department finally announced new rules to prevent American companies from doing business with blacklisted companies – over a hundred in China & Russia, plus importers from Iran, North Korea & Venezuela – except after securing a “special government license.” [EPOCH TIMES – 1/15/21]
- THOUGHTS FOR THE WEEK: GOOGLE tracks your whereabouts every second – even when you have no WIFI connection, are in airplane mode, or have no sim card installed. Check out the scary attachment.
“The Nazi suppression of free speech enabling curtailment of civil rights immediately after they won an election to take over the government of Germany, is today’s Reichstag Fire relived.” – Dennis Prager – https://www.theepochtimes.com/video-dennis-prager-this-is-the-reichstag-fire-relived_3657503.html?utm_source=news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2021-01-15-2
“We’re living in a propaganda bubble, a maliciously biased news cycle, with mainstream media shifting focus and placing blame where it can, sensationalizing any story to meet its ideological bent, adhering to its most practiced tactic of never letting a crisis go to waste.” – Scott Adams, author of Dilbert