Just in Case it Matters to You
Weekly Report 21-24
- Don’t password protect your mobile devices and store personal data on them
- Set your social media setting to Public, and transact online activity over public WIFI
- Take fun quizzes games which as for personal data & photos; Let your kids download games & programs
- Use same username & password for all sites you visit
- Don’t bother with updates on phone/ computer/ apps/ virus software
- Then don’t bother with external hard, thumb drive, or cloud backup
- UNIFORM VOTING LAWS, VERSUS AMERICA’S WIDELY DISPARATE RULES determined by states, counties & municipalities across the country, obviously make sense. Local discretion, for example, lets felons in some states vote while still in prison, while others never recover the right even when sentence is completed. But the nearly 800-page ‘Reform’ bill which Congress passed this month is preposterous, including provisions for: (1) automatic registration of voters with limited I.D. requirements; (2) ballots of absentees or homeless to be ‘harvested’ – i.e., collected and returned by paid political operatives; (3) universal mail-in voting; (4) 15-day live voting; and (5) using federal funds for campaign financing, on a ratio of $6 for every dollar contributed to a candidate. [ECONOMIST – 3/13/21]
- RIDICULOUS LOCKDOWN REALITY: “Most Americans know by now that 99.997 percent of healthy Americans below the age of 65 survive Covid-19 if contracted, that 94.6 percent of healthy Americans above the age of 65 survive it, and that 80 percent of those who do not survive sadly have other ailments. We should also note it is rarely clear which is the effective cause of death, that it has only slightly moved the rate of fatalities in the country, that the average age of coronavirus death is the same as the national life expectancy (age 78), and that there is no excuse or need for wearing masks out-of-doors or for keeping schools closed.” [NATIONALINTEREST.ORG]
- CALIFORNIA, NEVER TO BE OUTDONE IN WOKENESS, has the State Board of Education voting next week on an ‘Ethnic Studies’ curriculum “with stated purpose to challenge racist, bigoted, discriminatory, imperialist/colonial beliefs & practices, critique white supremacy, racism and other forms of power and oppression… The 48-page Model is founded upon a Eurocentric, anti-black, anti-indigenous, capitalist, patriarchal (sexist & misogynistic), homophobic and anthropocentric paradigm, which claims that whites began grabbing the land, hatching hierarchies, and developing whiteness which created excess wealth that became the basis for the capitalist economy, establishing a hegemony that continues to the present day, in which minorities are subjected to socialization, domestication and zombification.” That’s what our kids and grandkids will be taught if, as presumably, approved. [RED STATE – 3/11/21]
- A DRUG CAPSULE THAT STORES A TINY CAMERA INSIDE, designed to ‘look’ for a variety of cancers in the body, is now being swallowed by some 11,000 British patients in a clinical trial. [NEOSCOPE – 3/12/21].
- THOUGHTS FOR THE WEEK: Amazing 3D ‘Tree Illusion’ art: https://biggeekdad.com/2021/03/3d-tree-illusion-art/
Almost a century ago, an ice cream company in New England created ‘jimmies’ as a brand name for chocolate sprinkles. The dictionary definition for jimmies used to be ‘decorative things,’ but the current owner has bowed to woke society and changed the name to ‘Just Sprinkles.’ Even Snopes says there is “no valid reason to suppose that jimmies carries a racist meaning,” but cancel culture prevails.