Just in Case it Matters to You
Weekly Report 21-82
- ENTREPRENEURSHIP ALWAYS REQUIRES SOME DEGREE OF RISK-TAKING MENTALITY, which also always embodies some level of ‘failure’ – in wasted time, money and or reputation. “Neuroeconomics, which studies the role that our brain’s liking & wanting systems play in shaping decisions, divides the world into two mindsets: (A) Fear of making mistakes with shameful & disastrous consequences; and (B) Recognizing that from so-called ‘failures’ emerge the ‘ah-ha!’ moments of insight that guide toward the next innovation.” Strategic direction and planning begins with clarity in Goals, but also in the degree to which risk-taking is appropriate to perspective and resources. With decades of expertise in this arena, let DCG help guide you. [PETER DIAMANDIS – 11/11/21]
- CALIFORNIA’S ISSUES OF “AFFORDABILITY, HOUSING & HOMELESSNESS” will be addressed by $22 billion just announced this month by the Governor. Los Angeles County has over 66,000 homeless (forecast to reach 90,000 in the next year), the highest proportion living in downtown skid-row followed by Venice – “a mile-long neighborhood known for its boutique shops, dining joints, and upper-middle-class patrons, but which, over the past year, has become the unhoused encampment of over 2,000 people living with drugs, needles, trash, violence, and encampment fires (54% of total fires in LA), most of whom are addicts and who do not want help.” The Sheriff’s Dep’t conducted ‘clean-ups’ over the summer, but LA Police, under orders from the city’s Mayor, refuse to enforce any measures to move transients. So, the clean-ups were short-lived and decades-long residents (plus other transients) are continuous victims to random crime – with year-to-date homeless-related robberies up 260%, burglaries 85%, grand theft auto 74%, and assaults-with-deadly-weapon up 118%. “A world gone mad.” [EPOCH TIMES – 11/12/21]
- “THE INSANITY OF THE ‘DEFUND POLICE’ MOVEMENT has led to exactly what the sane & rational among us knew from the outset: violent crime has exploded.” Last week, LAPD issued a ‘Follow-home Robberies Alert’ advising residents “not to risk their lives over a Rolex” with recommendations, when walking out of a restaurant, store, mall or clubs, to: “(1) Be cautious of displaying high-value property in public, such as purses/ watches/ jewelry; (2) If being followed, dial 911 and, if possible , get to nearest police station; (3) If being robbed, do not resist; cooperate & comply; ‘Be a good witness’; (4) After robbery, write down everything you can remember about crime/suspects/vehicle and immediately call police.” Really. Wow…
- “OUR WORLD IS A WOKE UNIVERSITY AND A WASTEFUL ONE. People now go to college to absorb ideas that have discernible real-world value. We’re living in an age of symbolism and empty acts – where elites endorse socialism while living indulgent capitalist lives.” Collages and universities have become a booming employment sector – ostensibly to comply with Dep’t of Education rules/ regulations/ grants/ loans/ security/ etc. (Yale University now has over 5,000 Administrators plus another 5,000 faculty to serve fewer than 5,000 undergrad students.) But, “the main drivers of bureaucratic bloat in the education arena involve desire to administrators to accumulate power & influence, feed their egos, and benefit from massive increases in compensation” supporting new departments and curriculum stemming from political & media campaigns pushing woke culture: Chief Diversity Officers; VPs for Antiracism/ Diversity/ Equity/ Inclusion; Deans & Professors of programs in Social Justice, Activism, Antiracism, Queer & Transgender studies. “Not long ago, people educated themselves for the same reason others trained in welding. From teaching to schooling we appear to have jumped the shark where practical application is concerned.” [RED STATE – 11/14/21]
- THOUGHTS FOR THE WEEK: “Freedom to Vote Act” – clever, funny, practical: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlChFvmmSQM
A neural implant now allows a paralyzed person to “type up to 90 words-per-minute by imagining him/herself writing a word with their hand – just ‘thinking’ the words. Stanford University neuroscientists report their process as 99% accuracy, and next step is now commercialization, pushing brain implants out of medicine and into the realm of consumer electronics.” [NEOSCOPE – 11/9/21]