Just in Case it Matters to You
Weekly Report 22-54
- “FOR GEN Z, THE PANDEMIC WAS A CATALYST IN CHANGING THE MODERN ‘HOOKUP’ DATING SCENE. After missing out on the fundamentals of dating after two years of lockdowns & social distancing, over half are now looking for partners with whom they share a deeper connection, a long-term serious relationship, and are now pickier about dates because they don’t want to waste time on the wrong person.” …According to survey by a dating site for age 24-32 (Hinge.com), 97% also said they’d rather be dating someone who looks after personal mental health, and 86% said more likely to agree to a second date if their partner was going to therapy.” [NEW YORK POST – 8/30/22]
- WHILE THE PRESIDENT HAS NOW DECLARED ON NATIONAL TV THAT “THE PANDEMIC IS OVER, the ‘State of Emergency’ is still on,” with people (including emergency responders & providers) still being fired for refusing vaccine, foreigners still not allowed into the country (unless they sneak over the southern border), DOJ defending arbitrary pandemic policies in various courts, and unelected CDC bureaucrat “powers to quarantine people in homes, shut schools & churches, restrict travel, prosecute for holding parties/weddings/funerals, and even lay out quarantine plans for the ‘next time’ …Government remains able to create & uncreate panic depending on political priorities of the day, despite the fact that over 99% of Americans have been relatively unaffected by the medical implications of coronavirus… It’s impossible to avoid the conclusion that this ‘public health disaster of our lifetime’ has always been about politics and the manipulation of public perception to achieve political priorities.” [BROWNSTONE.ORG – 9/20/22]
- “ABOUT HALF OF OLDER ADULTS DIE WITH OR FROM DEMENTIA, after mental abilities deteriorate, cognition declines,” and final months or years are stressful (plus often costly) for the elder and particularly the families. California is among the states which have legislated ‘Death With Dignity’ and where support of hospice and doulas are available. Compassion and Choices (on which Dennis served as a Board member) “educates people about their options for control and empowerment by documenting & communicating end-of-life-wishes for those living with dementia diagnosis,” including a video model for Voluntary Stop Eating & Drinking.
- “SOCIAL JUSTICE ADVOCACY LOOKS A LOT LIKE MENTAL DISORDER – bizarre behavior, violence & delusions. SJ Warriors within government and organizations essentially now contend that: (1) Calling police, whether being burgled or in danger, is a ‘privilege’ and you’re either classist, racist or both; (2) No one but police should have guns. While some criminals may have misused them at some point, you should be punished for actions of those never met or endorsed; (3) Mob violence is not only excusable but an avenue to rectify the problem of systemic racism, with property destruction being just collateral damage to the ‘peaceful hammer of justice’; (4) The bulk of society’s problems are Men.” Yeah. [RED STATE – 6/8/20]
- THOUGHTS FOR THE WEEK: An adult is a person who has stopped growing at both ends and now growing in the middle.
“Social and intellectual chaos in American society today is the inevitable result from demise of parental and moral authority. Normative authority stems primarily from parents, along with religion, clergy, police and culture – the foundation of civilization. Today’s societal breakdown results primarily from teaching our youngest citizens a few basic suicidal lies: that genders & sexual behavior are matters of personal preference that America is systemically racist… Reality is that when parents don’t rule the home, chaos will rule society, and chaos always breeds tyranny. So, the choice is stark – either we have strong parents, or will have a strong state.” [TOWNHALL]
It will be a big winter for Stink-Bugs in valleys on the West Coast (and across the country) resulting from the warmer climate, according to a 3-year study published in Pest Services Management.
Border Deception: How the US and UN Are Quietly Running the Border Crisis — https://www.theepochtimes.com/border-deception-how-the-us-and-un-are-quietly-running-the-border-crisis_4751511.html?utm_source=Goodevening&src_src=Goodevening&utm_campaign=gv-2022-09-29&src_cmp=gv-2022-09-29&utm_medium=email&est=%2FNQNAeu39xC6lhq%2Bl96eSJDEND%2BeTJe6PuLjNR0XXaY0VJ3SjihYhIQ9YAxpqrGZ5A%3D%3D