Just in Case it Matters to You
Weekly Report 22-71
- An entire generation of college students has been indoctrinated, with some half of young people now favoring socialism. While Critical Race Theory has overrun public schools and ‘wokeness’ has overrun military, “we’ve seen higher education campuses gone from the only place where discussion of social and political matters were discussed, to the only place where now free discussion isn’t possible… This is exactly what radicals promised five decades ago: that in America, where they could never succeed at the ballot box, they intended to seize control of the universities to promote ideology… Through the 1960s, academia was the home of ‘investigative’ empirical approach to social questions, but today the professors (representing controlling majority of the campuses) now shut down analysis whenever it offends them, suppressing debate of social & political matters… With a ratio today of some 15 to 1, universities have now been overrun by political zealots to achieve incompatible ends.” [CITY JOURNAL – 11/29/22] Winner of the stupidest ‘woke’ absurdity for the year from Stanford University’s published “Index of Harmful Language: calling U.S. citizens Americans – because doing so implies arrogant belief that we’re the most important country in the Americas.” Ah, to be educated by our country’s top ‘educators.’
- Most economists now concur that an economic crash is unavoidable, due to massive amount of unsustainable debt in both public & private sectors, following the explosion of deficits, borrowing and leverage in recent decades. The U.S. and world economy are now “lurching toward an unprecedented confluence of economic, financial, and debt crises… As asset bubbles burst, debt-servicing ratios spike, and inflation-adjusted incomes fall across households, corporations & governments, the economic and financial crash will feed on each other… The explosion of unsustainable debt ratios implies that many borrowers (households/ corporations/ banks/ shadow banks/ even entire countries) were insolvent zombies being propped up by low interest rate policies, Quantitative Easing, and outright fiscal bailouts. But now, inflation – fed by the same policies – has ended this financial Dawn of the Dead… and this mother of all economic crises looms, with little that policy makers can do about it.” [NOURIEL ROUBINI – Professor Emeritus of Economics at NYU]
- Pew Research surveys find increasing disparity among Americans, including: (1) that 36% of teens aged 13-14 and 52% of teens 15-17 “use the internet almost constantly”; (2) that 33% of people get their ‘news’ from TikTok and 44% from Facebook; (3) that percentage of people who believe “descendants of ancestors ever having been ‘enslaved’ should be compensated with Reparations” are 48% of liberals vs 8% of conservatives, 77% of adult Blacks vs 18% of adult Whites, and 45% of kids under 30 vs 18% of those over 65; (4) that 63% of Democrats and 72% of Republicans believe “members of the other Party are more immoral/ dishonest/ closed-minded.” (5) 8% of Americans believe that abortion should be “illegal with no exceptions.” [PEW RESEARCH CENTER – 12/13/22]
- “America is rapidly resembling something like wide open 5th-century Rome, when its traditional inviolable borders vanished as thousands of unassimilated tribes crisscrossed as they pleased, on the premise that no one among their overripe, soft hosts could or would dare stop them… We are approaching some 50 million residents who were not born in the U.S., with various legal & illegal statuses… and the Idea of 330 million citizens of different incidental races & ethnicities united by a common identity of shared values/customs/ traditions is all but mocked. In its place is arising an undefined mishmash of competing and increasingly hostile tribal interests… So, once assumed services, customs, institutions and expectations are eroding, and our parasitic nation will eventually lead to two antithetical Americas.” A brilliant perspective and sad reality check on the future. [Victor Davis Hanson – https://amgreatness.com/2022/12/11/our-parasitic-generation/ ]
- Nearly one-in-five Americans now list ‘Government’ as the “most important problem facing the country, higher than ten other major ‘issues’ in Gallup’s annual 11-measure Survey on ‘Direction of the Country.’ Government is a broad category, including concerns with the President personally, Congresspersons, party politics, gridlock, and certainly encompasses disappointment/ disgust over the sharply divided political landscape, but has now emerged as more important than the economy and even worsening inflation.
- Every city is now becoming a ‘border town.’ Based on tracking of signals from mobile devices provided to individuals who illegally crossed the border during just one month, immigrants were transported by churches & non-governmental organizations to 434 of the 435 House congressional districts. [WASHINGTON EXAMINER – 12/13/22] San Francisco – the example of what’s coming: POOP MAPS –: https://sf.curbed.com/2019/4/23/18511865/sf-poop-human-waste-map-forbes-dpw-dog
- The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis: Totalitarianism. Can Sanity Return to an Insane World? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdzW-S8MwbI