• STRESS IS A FACTOR IN HAIR TURNING GREY. While genetics and dyeing chemicals play the biggest parts, psychological or emotional stress, which damage hair follicles & stem cells to stop producing melatonin can contribute significantly. Premature greying can be deferred by staying healthy – avoiding smoking, too much alcohol and UV exposure, along with keeping a healthy diet (since B12, copper, iron, calcium, zinc all influence melatonin production – and by minimizing stress in business with DCG support in facilitating optimized strategy/ process/ procedures/ worker efficiency & effectiveness/ productivity/ and profitability.
  • THE FUNDAMENTAL ROLE OF LEADERSHIP is about creating an environment which optimizes team collaboration to get the best input, answers and productivity, while developing employee skills so they can find answers for themselves. However, while Leaders are expected to be ‘right’ in the guidance they provide, it’s important to avoid appearance of arrogance or insolence which can make employees feel wrong or insulted, the impacting their motivation and often retention. So, overcoming a leader’s desire to be ‘right’ and tendency to react strongly at times is a critical factor in developing and retaining staff effectiveness necessary for productivity, profitability and stability.    [INC.COM – 10/3/24]  
  • LAST MONTH’S DEMONSTRATION BY ISRAEL OF EXPLODING PAGERS & RADIOS which devastated terrorists was a testament to that country’s imagination and skills. However, it also demonstrates the risk of sabotage from reliance on Chinese technology – which currently provides critical components in American cellphones, computers, broadcasting equipment and office machines. The U.S. has “repeatedly detected aggressive Chinese efforts to build backdoor traps in infrastructure networks, including laying traps in water & power systems which could be detonated to cut off critical supplies during a war,” and Huawei’s telecommunication network has been formally restricted from access to the U.S. market.  [WASHINGTON EXAMINER– 9/25/24]
  • GOVERNMENT & IDIOTS PRIORITIES UPDATE: (1) FEMA values diversity over crisis support for residents of the hurricane. “The Biden administration’s Federal Emergency Management Agency’s 2022-26 strategic plan outlines three ‘ambitious goals,’ with the first focusing on equity as a foundation of emergency management, to lead the whole community in climate resilience, and to promote and sustain a ready FEMA and a prepared nation.”  (2)  Democrats in California have passed legislation that would require all gas stoves to have a health warning label similar to what is on tobacco products – the first step in a broader campaign by the Climate Cult lobby, despite the reality that there is no attributable negative health threat. (3)  Last week, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law a bill that bans the enforcement of voter ID, effectively facilitating the casting of bogus and multiple ballots.   [PATRIOT POST – 10/2/24]
  •                                                   THOUGHTS FOR THE WEEK:

 –  A magician’s trick that just defies common sense…  https://www.wimp.com/mac-kings-infamous-rope-trick/

 –  ESTATE TAX PLANNING REMINDER:  The amount that an individual can cumulatively transfer free of tax during lifetime and at death (to a recipient other than a spouse who is a U.S. citizen and/or certain charitable organizations) is $13,610,000.  //   The generation-skipping transfer tax exemption is also $13,610,000 per individual.  //   In addition to the exemptions described above, every individual can make gifts during life of up to $18,000 per recipient per year without paying gift tax.

 –  This is what REAL political chaos looks like:    https://townhall.com/columnists/katiepavlich/2024/10/04/lets-talk-about-actual-chaos-n2645740?utm_source=thdailyvip&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl

 –  How the Biden Administration policies blew up the Middle East in five easy steps: https://townhall.com/columnists/victordavishanson/2024/10/04/how-to-blow-up-the-middle-east-war-in-five-easy-steps-n2645723?utm_source=thdailyvip&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl