
April 13, 2014


POWER-POINT SLIDE PRESENTATIONS ARE BECOMING HISTORY.  From CEOs at Amazon & Linked-In, to physicists at the Large Hadron Collider, to NASA, CIA & Pentagon Directors, direction is now that “use of Power-point acts as a straightjacket to discussion… easier for audiences to let their minds go on autopilot and lose focus… and look at laptop... Continue
April 6, 2014


 “THE GREATEST FIGHT IN OUR HISTORY… The greatest threat to America: We the People.” A brilliant and frightening videoed speech from Dennis Prager, summarizing the risk to our country and to the world.    “WE ARE KNOWN BY THE RELATIONSHIPS WE KEEP.  Perception, for most, is reality and much of success in life really does... Continue
March 30, 2014

Weekly Report 14-13

“LEADING CHANGE IS DIFFERENT FROM MANAGING CHANGE.” It’s about effecting transformation by setting clear enough vision that participation is motivated. This necessitates “helping others see the need for change and importance of acting immediately and together with the team.” Unless this happens, the process of change management – “minimizing the distractions and impacts of change”... Continue
March 23, 2014

Weekly Report 14-12

Weekly Report: 14-12 MILLENNIALS’ PERSPECTIVE UPDATE: Based on newest 2014 surveys, young adults now ranging in age from 18 to 33 are “relatively unattached to organized politics or religion…and distrustful of people… but generally vote heavily Democratic with liberal views on political and social issues ranging from belief in an activist government to support for... Continue
March 16, 2014

Weekly Report 14-11

“WE GENERALLY MAKE THE BEST DECISIONS BASED ON INTUITION, not by subjecting every single option to extensive scrutiny, nor by making snap judgments… Intuition can be seen as a series of unconscious processes that take place in our brain, which operates like a supercomputer – picking up many more verbal and non-verbal signals than our... Continue