Weekly Reports

February 24, 2013

Weekly Report 13-09

  • ‘CONTINGENCY PLANNING’ FOR DISASTER – INCLUDING THE EARTHQUAKE which experts say is coming sooner than later – is prudent business strategy, and not overwhelmingly complicated. The objective is to ensure that if/when your systems are down and/or workforce can’t get... Continue
  • February 17, 2013

    Weekly Report 13-08

  • THE U.S. GOV’T HAS FORMALLY ADMITTED “BEING AFRAID TO PROSECUTE” THE BIG BANKS. The risk of “destabilizing the banking system… and global instability” is how the Justice Dep’t rationalized recently settling for cash instead of criminal prosecution in two huge... Continue
  • February 10, 2013

    Weekly Report 13-07

  • “WHEREAS STRATEGY IS ABSTRACT AND BASED ON LONG-TERM GOALS, TACTICS ARE CONCRETE AND BASED ON FINDING THE RIGHT MOVE NOW… Questions, and discovering the right ones, are the key to staying on course… The wave of information threatens to obscure... Continue
  • February 3, 2013

    Weekly Report 13-06

  • THE PRIMARY GOVERNING DOCUMENT IN ANY BUSINESS IS ITS OWNERS’ OPERATING AGREEMENT. Whether structurally set up for Shareholders, Partners or Members, this is the document which “is supposed to provide the basic ‘blueprint’ for development, operation, expansion, diversification, sale, etc…... Continue
  • January 27, 2013

    Weekly Report 13-05

  • IT’S NOW BEST TO JUST “ASSUME YOU’RE UNDER GOVERNMENT SURVEILLANCE.” The National Security Agency is building a new $2 billion data center to store data already flowing from thousands of government and some thirty-million commercial cameras which “record your image... Continue