May 7, 2016
Weekly Report 16-19
FAMILY-OWNED BUSINESSES ARE SELDOM MANAGED in a manner compliant with best business standards and practices – mostly because controlling owners find it uncomfortable to balance their multiple roles; family members have expectations, envy, ego, insecurities or entitlement issues; communication is often stifled by emotional entanglements; and/or all of the above. So creating business efficiencies and... Continue
April 29, 2016
Weekly Report 16-18
DISASTER OR CRISIS IS SELDOM ON THE STRATEGIC PLANNING AGENDA, but how prepared a business (or family) really needs to be is arguable only by those who haven’t experienced it. Taking the time to assess & define business risk requires a hard look at vulnerabilities by conducting an honest assessment of company personnel, internal weaknesses,... Continue
April 24, 2016
Weekly Report 16-17
PARTNERSHIP DISSOLUTIONS – BUSINESS OR MARRIAGE – ARE EMOTIONALLY STRESSFUL, and parties on all sides are understandably vulnerable to Trusted Advisors, particularly attorneys or therapists (family, clergy, psychologists, psychiatrists, etc.) who try to “instill their dogma into a client’s psyche… by rallying around a one-size-fits-all approach… causing more harm than good.” The economic, financial, taxation... Continue
April 15, 2016
Weekly Report 16-16
MOST TIME-STRAPPED BUSINESS LEADERS “KNOW THEY SHOULD plan ahead and prioritize, focus on the important as much as the urgent, invest in health (including getting enough sleep), make time for family & relationships, and limit mindless escapism. Today’s ‘always on’ work culture is taking a heavy toll on today’s leaders… and compulsively checking email, particularly... Continue
April 8, 2016