March 2, 2014
Weekly Report 14-09
COMPANY SECURITY BREACHES HAPPEN PREDOMINANTLY BECAUSE OF EXECUTIVES who have “job pressures, busy schedules, and an attitude that they are above the rules.” A broad survey of small, medium and large businesses found major cause to be absence of “patience for security measures that add time… particularly in hotels or countries where internet access is... Continue
February 25, 2014
What Special Guidance Does IRS Give Agents for Audits of Attorneys?
By: Dennis Duitch, CPA, MBA With: C. Frederick Reish & James R. McDaniel, of the law firm of Reish & Luftman, P.C. The Journal of Taxation April 1995 Guidelines for the Service’s nationwide audit project on attorneys were issued in September 1993. This was the result of a 1988 pilot study in San Diego that found... Continue
February 23, 2014
Weekly Report 14-08
THE ‘BIG MAC INDEX’ is an annual gauge of foreign purchasing-power-parity – a measure of whether currency exchange rates are realistic – based on the price of a comparable item everywhere: the Big Macburger which last month averaged $4.62 across America. In U.S. dollars, Norway and Sweden currency is most overvalued, where a Big Mac... Continue
February 16, 2014
Weekly Report 14-07
FOR A BRILLIANT PERSPECTIVE ON HOW & WHY OUR ECONOMY WORKS (OR DOESN’T) and where the cycle is headed, a 30-minute animated course in simple English, absolutely worth your attention: Also, for a very clever 3-minute simple animated presentation on HOW the internet works: ‘SUCCESSION CHALLENGES’ NOW RANK AMONG THE TOP FIVE... Continue
February 10, 2014