
February 2, 2023

Weekly Report 23-08

TOUGH GETTING THE ATTENTION OF DISTRACTED PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY CHATTY FRIENDS AND BUSY EXECS? A few strategies: (1) Start with a strong opening line which focuses on the point you wish to present; with bosses, that’s generally related to revenues or profitability; (2) Anticipate their immediately reactive questions, and have already concisely integrated the answer into... Continue
January 27, 2023

Weekly Report 23-07

MEETINGS OFTEN BECOME JUST ‘STATUS UPDATES’ AND ARE INEFFECTIVE IN THEIR OBJECTIVE because of issues that are “too threatening, uncomfortable or hidden by participants to avoid short-term conflicts, threats or embarrassment. When unaddressed, organizations can end up tolerating squandered energy, inter-personal fatigue, lack of progress, even toxic situations.” Leaders need to, and can, surmount this... Continue
January 21, 2023

Weekly Report 23-06

A 4-DAY WORKWEEK – 32 hours, not four days of 10 hours – is growing in momentum for companies and governments around the globe. Spurred by trade unions and the feminist movement, multiple large-scale pilot programs have consistently (purportedly) found that a shorter working week is “better for both employees and employers.” Key factors include:... Continue
January 19, 2023

Weekly Report 23-05

AS IF EMPLOYEE RECRUITMENT WEREN’T TOUGH ENOUGH IN TODAY’S ENVIRONMENT, numerous laboratory studies of laypersons and professional factfinders (like investigators, court judges, psychiatrists) concur that “on average, people are not able to tell lies from truths based on how others talk or behave.” Despite countless lie-detection tutorials on YouTube or peddled as consulting courses, employers... Continue
January 15, 2023

Weekly Report 23-04

LEADERS AND MANAGERS OFTEN STRUGGLE WITH THE DIFFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE OF STRATEGY VERSUS TACTICS, not recognizing that success in operations can only be measured as ‘effective’ when tactical steps achieve clear goals.  Definitive ‘Goals’ stem from vision of what Success looks like and achievement depends on Clarity of the vision. To avoid getting lost in... Continue