October 2, 2022
Weekly Report 22-54
“FOR GEN Z, THE PANDEMIC WAS A CATALYST IN CHANGING THE MODERN ‘HOOKUP’ DATING SCENE. After missing out on the fundamentals of dating after two years of lockdowns & social distancing, over half are now looking for partners with whom they share a deeper connection, a long-term serious relationship, and are now pickier about dates... Continue
September 27, 2022
Weekly Report 22-53
“GEN Z ARE PERHAPS THE GREATEST VICTIMS OF THE OVERARCHING BIGOTRY OF LOW EXPECTATIONS.” According to a study by Harvard University’s ‘Human Flourishing Program,’ 18- to 25-year-olds “feel they are worse off in every dimension of their well-being – happiness, health, meaning, character, relationships, financial stability… This and other studies indicate that this generation (1)... Continue
September 22, 2022
Weekly Report 22-52
“PUTTING SOMETHING OFF DOESN’T MAKE IT GO AWAY. Procrastination lies between logic and emotion, between ambition and achievement… The more unpleasant a task, the more time spent thinking about it and less likely to broach it – a vicious circle. So, the easiest way to get things finished is to get going in the first... Continue
September 17, 2022
Weekly Report 22-51
SMALL & FAMILY BUSINESSES ARE “MORE LIKELY TO EXPERIENCE A SECURITY BREACH than larger organizations, since ransomware operators are opportunistic, targeting any organization that has valuable data… Reality is that 82% of cyberattacks have nothing to do with failure in cybersecurity systems or software; most breaches can be traced back to the human element –... Continue
September 14, 2022