
August 1, 2020

Weekly Report 20-60

THE REASON SCHOOLS ARE NOT REOPENING IN CALIFONIA IS FAR FROM SCIENCE OR HEALTH RISK! Risk of  death for preschool kids is 20 times greater to die from influenza or pneumonia; elementary and high school kids risk is up to 7 times greater. The LA Teachers Union has “openly conveyed that their next negotiation is... Continue
July 30, 2020

Weekly Report 20-59

A COMPREHENSIVE & NONPARTISAN ANALYSIS OF HOW EXPERTS PERCEIVE THE REALITY OF COVID-19 AND ITS IMPACT ON OPENING OF SCHOOLS: THE COVID CRISIS HAS CONTRIBUTED TO WHAT ALREADY was a huge number of empty or underutilized office buildings, public school buildings and parking lots; the federal government alone owns some 45,0000 properties. In the... Continue
July 26, 2020

Weekly Report 20-58

THREE CRITICAL FACTORS CONTRIBUTE PREDOMINANTLY TO CURRENT SOCIETAL CHAOS IN AMERICA: (1) Prosecutors at all levels are elected. “No other democracy makes its justice system so polarized. In every other Western democracy, these are civil servants appointed based on experience and expertise, with a politically neutral job to simply do justice fairly, not respond to... Continue
July 24, 2020

Weekly Report 20-57

ORGANIZATIONAL GROWTH EVOLVES TO MATURITY IN ROUGHLY FIVE PHASES: from Creative stage, to Strategic Direction, Delegation, Coordination, and then Collaboration. In between those phases, the critical Leadership factors also evolve from total control to allocation of authority & autonomy, monitored and managed by operational systems and guided by company culture. DCG have decades of experience... Continue
July 21, 2020

Weekly Report 20-56

“THE MORE WE DEPEND ON SMARTPHONES, THE MORE ATTRACTIVE AN ATTACK VECTOR THEY BECOME for cybercriminals.” Primary signs that your Android or iOS devices have been hacked are: (1) sudden loss of battery life; (2) spike in data usage; (3) excessive App permissions; (4) suspicious texts or unknown websites; (5) key passwords stop working.  Recommendations:... Continue