
June 6, 2020

Weekly Report 20-40

“FALSE NARRATIVE ABOUT INNOCENT BLACKS BEING DISPROPORTIONATELY shot by white cops and targeted by racist white civilians… have devastating consequences to society. This narrative is played hourly on cable news, embellished by newspapers & magazines, by cynical & opportunistic politicians, perpetuated on TV and in theaters by Hollywood personalities, high-school teachers & college professors, even... Continue
June 4, 2020

Weekly Report 20-39

MAJOR BENEFICIAL CHANGES TO THE PPP LOAN PROGRAM, now passed by House & Senate: (1) Requirement to expend 75% of loan for payroll within 8 weeks is now 60% over 24 weeks; (2) Restoring to pre-Covid workforce level is no longer required; (3) If ‘forgiveness’ doesn’t qualify for other reasons, loan repayment can be extended... Continue
June 2, 2020

Weekly Report 20-38

THE EVOLVING POST-PANDEMIC ‘NEXT NORMAL’ SHOULD BEGIN WITH ORGANIZATIONS TACKLING TWO OVERRIDING FACTORS: (1) Anticipating and planning to deal with “tension from the divide between execs managers who easily adapted to working from home and to flexible, ill-defined processes & ways of working (which they see as being effective and wave of the future), versus... Continue
May 31, 2020

Weekly Report 20-37

“SOCIAL HISTORIANS MAY REGARD 2020 AS THE START OF A NEW AGE… when the rhythm of life was disrupted, and the barrier between home and working life (a useful way of relieving stress) disappeared.” For service industry workers, broadband allows document downloads and relatively efficient interface through videoconferencing. But remote work limitations include lack of... Continue
May 29, 2020

Weekly Report 20-36

THE ECONOMIC RESET FOSTERED BY CORONAVIRUS IS NOW EMERGING, with start-ups and restarts in progress.    A reminder that four in ten new companies fail from the get-go because entrepreneurs built products or services which didn’t address the “real needs, of big enough markets, with a realistic value proposition.”  Then next biggest cause of failure involves... Continue