
April 6, 2020

Weekly Report 20-20

“EXCESSIVE ANXIETY IS COUNTERPRODUCTIVE, whether caused by real or imaginary circumstances; Coronavirus is real. But the vast majority of people experience mostly manageable levels of anxiety, even during a crisis… which may be a positive force, driving progress by enhancing certain behaviors that increase productivity.” Psychological research has shown that anxiety can: (1) increase performance... Continue
April 4, 2020

Weekly Report 20-18

WORKING FROM HOME MAY BECOME A POSITIVE SURPRISE from a less compressed schedule, no commuting, fewer interruptions and/or less work to do; for others though, the complexity of increased workload, kids at home, and extended family issues has contributed to ‘mental load,’ stress and even periodic panic. Tips for staying healthy and productive, avoiding burnout,... Continue
April 4, 2020

Weekly Report 20-19

HOW SAFE ARE PACKAGES & MAIL THESE DAYS?  As with every other aspect of the coronavirus, uncertain. “While the RNA virus causing COVID-19 was found up to 17 days later, CDC says “very low risk for packages that have travelled over a period of days.” For packages arriving the say day, like food delivery services,... Continue
March 30, 2020

Weekly Report 20-17

ZOOM HAS BECOME THE DEFACTO PLATFORM AS COVID-19 HAS FORCED SELF-ISOLATION. Businesses, schools, fitness instructors, therapists, along with families & friends are now meeting online amid the quarantine and stay-at-home orders. However, “it didn’t take long for threat actors to sabotage this new way of communication by ‘zoom-bombing’ public links to shock, taunt or scare... Continue
March 27, 2020

Weekly Report 20-16

‘NEVER WASTE A CRISIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXPLOIT FEAR IN OTHERS’ mantra applies to now a dramatic increase in phishing scams by telephone and internet – “essentially an online con game, using spam, malicious websites, email & instant messages to trick people into divulging sensitive info by appearing to come from reliable sources.” Best safeguards are:... Continue