July 15, 2018
Weekly Report 18-28
NEW CALIFORNIA RULES FOR ‘INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR’ STATUS: A state Supreme Court ruling last month sets new standards which will require every California employer to reevaluate everyone being paid compensation, to determine supportable overtime & tax reporting treatment. Workers are now presumed to be employees unless three factors exist: (1) Work scope “outside the usual course... Continue
July 15, 2018
Weekly Report 18-29
AN ‘AMBIVALENT’ RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WORKERS AND LEADERS – a mixed relationship involving both positive and negative feelings primarily about level of supportiveness – can impact job performance even more so than disliking the boss. A study of working adults in America, UK and India found that “when people don’t get along with their leaders, they... Continue
July 1, 2018
Weekly Report 18-27
“THOUGH WE COUNT ON TECHNOLOGIES AND CONTROLS TO MINIMIZE PHISHING THREATS, users are exploited through social engineering… to fall for fraudulent emails, texts, or copycat websites and end up sharing valuable personal information.” Recommendations from the FTC: (1) If it seems too good to be true, it probably is; (2) Hover your cursor over links... Continue
June 23, 2018
Weekly Report 18-26
WORK MEETINGS ARE AMONG THE TOP ‘PRODUCTIVITY KILLERS,’ mostly from “too much communicating or socializing” according to a recent Career Builder survey. While team communication is critical to creativity, meetings often get “derailed and lose their focus due to an overly chatty teammate.” Tips for better controlling a meeting: (1) Distribute an advance Outline/Agenda noting... Continue
June 17, 2018