Just in Case it Matters to You
Weekly Report 18-24
- “STRESS IS REALLY JUST OUR BODY’S RESPONSE TO A CHALLENGE and follows an ‘inverted U’ function: as pressure goes up, do does performance. But this is only to a certain point. Beyond that, greater pressure cause performance to drop.” So there’s a ‘sweet spot’ for stress: whereas chronic stress can lead to blood pressure, diabetes, insomnia and other health problems, the ‘right kind’ of stress, in the right circumstances, can be beneficial – by “secreting hormones of (1) adrenaline (which increases attention) and (2) cortisol (which mobilizes glucose for energy, stimulates the immune system, and enhances growth of neurons critical to learning & memory).” Research studies at Stanford suggest that “attitude about stress can influence whether we experience it as manageable or noxious, and that emotional & biological response to stress is modifiable just by adjusting one’s mind-set about it… Other studies demonstrate that when people feel in control of a difficult situation – whether actually right about being in control or not – they were less impaired by stress.” [NEW YORK TIMES – June 1, 18]
- “ON THE INTERNET, THE DEVIL’S IN THE DEFAULTS…but 95% of users are too busy or too confused to change them.” Examples of ‘set up’ defaults which don’t even get looked while giving away your rights include: (1) Facebook’s right to expose your friends list and all pages you follow; (2) Google’s right to save a map of everywhere you go and let marketers use your name in their Facebook ads; (3) Microsoft Windows 10 Cortana is allowed to gobble up your entire digital life; (4) Amazon’s Alexa records every word spoken in the room… Changing complicated Privacy Settings means less personalization from some services, but can curtail some of the creepy advertising and other stuff fueled by your data.” To get back control, steps are spelled out at: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2018/06/01/hands-off-my-data-15-default-privacy-settings-you-should-change-right-now/?utm_term=.43bff2524184 to change your settings and regain some control. [THE WASHINGTON POST – June 1, 18]
- WHY ARE CALIFORNIANS LEAVING THE STATE IN DROVES? The Wall St. Journal forecasts hundreds of thousands will move out over the next few years. “Reasons for the mass exodus include rising crime, the worst traffic in the western world, a growing homelessness epidemic, wildfires, earthquakes and crazy politicians that do some of the stupidest things imaginable.” Add unconscionable home prices; a continuing influx of illegal immigrants (who, thanks to Sanctuary State legislation, are provided with food, shelter, healthcare & drivers licenses); unfathomable regulations from dozens of overlapping agencies; and punitive income taxes that “eat away at disposable income.” Top three areas losing population are Silicon Valley, San Mateo & Los Angeles counties. Top out-of-state destinations are Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Texas & Washington. [ZEROHEDGE.COM – Jun 2, 18]
- SLEEP DEPRIVATION ADVERSELY IMPACTS NEXT DAY ENERGY, ATTITUDE & PRODUCTIVITY. Expert tips consistently suggest a few simple steps before bedtime to improve sleep quantity and quality: (1) Avoiding alcohol, but sipping an evening elixir like warm tea, milk or water; (2) Avoiding, or at least minimizing, ‘screentime’ on TV, computer & smartphones since studies find that “exposure to light hinders the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin; (3) Steer the mind away from overthinking by focusing on intent breathing” – several deep breaths in, hold, and slow exhale; (4) Peaceful sound background like soothing music or white-noise which shuts off automatically after you’re asleep. Better sleep ensures a better next day. [AICPA INSIGHTS – May 29, 18]
- THE S.E.C. IS NOW MONITORING CRYPTOCURRENCIES through a Division of Corporation Finances, Digital Assets and Innovation, set to enforce laws relating to Coin Offerings (ICOs), tokenized securities and other digital technologies. “Development of blockchain and distributed ledgers have led to a largely unregulated, volatile market. Experts agree that crypto is here to stay and the U.S. government appears determined to bring some order to the chaos.” [FUTURISM.COM – June 5, 18]
- ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS AT COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES HAVE GROWN at 10 times the rate for tenured faculty. At Cal Poly Pomona, while full-time faculty increased by around 400 over three decades, the number of Administrators grew to a roughly 1-to-1 proportion with total students. The University of Michigan currently employs a ‘Diversity Staff’ alone of nearly 100, for which aggregate compensation/benefits exceeds $11 Million annually. “There are various reasons for surging education costs, but the primary one is expansion of administration, and particularly ‘diversicrats’ on today’s campuses. [ZEROHEDGE – Jun 4, 18]
- THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Texting while driving is a serious risk of accident, but also of ticketing. ‘Distracted Driving’ is defined in many jurisdictions as simply “holding or using a handheld wireless communication device”– the reason a $400 ticket was issued to one lady for “checking her Apple watch while waiting at a stoplight.”