Just in Case it Matters to You
Weekly Report 21-32
- AMERICAN MEN AGE 18-25 ARE REQUIRED TO REGISTER FOR POSSIBLE MILITARY DRAFT, under penalties including financial, prison and loss of citizenship. Women (and transgenders) are exempt under a 1981 Supreme Court Ruling. However, since the Department of Defense lifted the ban on women soldiers in 2013, and now that women “fly fighter jets and serve as army rangers,” ACLU has petitioned the Court to reconsider that ruling – challenging the ban and requiring Registration for all. A coalition of conservatives opposing such change argue “it is an unassailable biological fact that men are generally bigger, stronger & faster, and that harsh realities of combat do not ebb merely because some lawyers & judges ignore them, no matter how sincere & committed they are to principles of equality.” [ECONOMIST – 4/10/21]
- THE ‘SECTION 230’ POLITICAL ISSUE IS ABOUT WHETHER INTERNET PLATFORMS CONTINUE HAVING “IMMUNITY from a range of laws which apply to Content publishers or speakers, like claims of defamation/ invasion of privacy/ negligence/ false advertising/ unfair competition… When Congress passed that protection 25 years ago, Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. were merely the Conduit for information, without accountability or responsibility for Distributing ‘fake’ news (even if straight-out lies), promoting hate speech or violence, or Censorship by restricting availability or access of any material that they internally decide may be excessively violent/ harassing/ or otherwise objectionable – whether or not such material is constitutionally protected.” Quite a different role that online platforms play today. Additionally, Brand advertisers pay billions for product & services placement on pages or forums that consumers effectively perceive as being endorsed by the platform, and which they may associate with harmful content that impacts safety and awareness. Just one more political football game – corporation donors vs civilians. [MANATT ADVERTISING LAW – 4/8/21]
- ‘WESTERN DIET’ – HIGH FAT & SUGAR RICH JUNK FOOD – “can lead, in addition to weight, metabolism & overall health impacts, to worsened anxiety, memory and addiction-like behaviors. A USC report, based on massive literature review and analysis is based on studies of mice (published at Frontiers in Neuroscience), but scientists believe results are applicable to humans, “particularly when Western Diet is consumed during critical early life stages of development.” [NEOSCOPE – 4/6/21] Meanwhile, Harvard Medical School researchers found that “despite how much doctors hate ‘cyberchondria,’ patients are slightly better at diagnosing what ails them after consulting Google.” [THE WEEK – 4/16/21]
- ANOTHER STUPID CALIFORNIA PROPOSED BILL ‘FOR THE PEOPLE’ PROPOSAL: AB 1372 would make homeless housing mandatory for every homeless person who comes to the LA south bay for 3 days, effectively putting the homeless industry in control of policy statewide, and even greater magnet for transients. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB1372
1992 – Venezuela became 3rd richest country in the Hemisphere; 1997 – Became 2nd largest purchaser of the F-150 pick-up truck; 2001 – Voted for Socialist ‘Income equality’; 2004 – Private healthcare was completely socialized; 2007 – All higher education became “free”; 2009 – Socialist president banned private ownership of guns; 2012 – Bernie Sanders praised their ‘American dream’; 2014 – Opposition leaders were imprisoned; 2016 – Food/healthcare shortages became widespread; 2017 – Constitution and elections were suspended; 2018 – The country’s Dolar inflation approximated 1.7 million percent; 2019 – Unarmed citizens were massacred by the government. Just think: it only took one generation of “progressive” leadership to plunge the country into a complete disaster and civil war.