Just in Case it Matters to You
Weekly Report 21-55
- HUMANS GENERALLY SPEND A THIRD OF OUR LIVES SLEEPING, but over 70 million Americans are now estimated to suffer from sleep deprivation or disorder, the majority from stress of today’s events on top of routine life. Impacts can be substantial, including “(1) Fatigue-related mistakes from ‘nodding off’ on the job – admitted by 85% of police officers, 80% of regional pilots, 48% of air-traffic controllers and 41% of medical workers; (2) Sleep-related errors & accidents cause nearly 25 thousand deaths, 2.5 million disabling injuries, and the highest number of fatal single-car run-off-the-road crashes – even more than alcohol; (3) Those with less than four hours sleep nightly have a higher-than-average risk of dying prematurely, and decreased melatonin which is an antioxidant correlated to slowing or stopping tumors; and (4) Less than 9-10 average nightly hours can cause hyperactivity and ADHD-like symptoms in children. Stress is the biggest factor, but alcohol can worsen snoring (by narrowing the upper airway space from a direct depressant effect on tongue & throat muscles) and a snorer wakes their non-snoring partner an average of 20 times per night, effectively an hour lost sleep.” [LBN EXAMINER – 7/7/21]
- “THE LEGACY OF CORPORATE NEWS MEDIA HAS BEEN UTTERLY DESTROYED by Liberals who’ve run it almost from the very beginning, and Leftists – as in the Marxists of cultural and other bents… The whole industry is in abject free fall. The public doesn’t trust media Talking Heads, and almost nobody is paying attention to them anymore; CNN viewership is down nearly 70% and MSNBC nearly 50%. A ‘Media Credibility’ poll in 46 countries surveying 92,000 viewers (by Reuters Institute & YouGov) found ‘Trust’ in American media at 29%, dead last behind Mexicans, South Americans or Europeans. The poll didn’t bother with Chinese, since their media routinely runs CCP propaganda disguised as news, but that doesn’t stop U.S. corporate-owned media from routinely parroting ‘China Watch’ – an insert produced by Beijing-based China Daily… Along with Hollywood, the arts, and education, U.S. news media is just one more cultural institution that’s been destroyed under the guise of Progressivism.” [AMERICAN SPECTATOR – 7/6/21]
- WIKIPEDIA HAS NOW FULLY JOINED THE CENSORSHIP BRIGADE. According to its disappointed co-founder (20 years ago), “conservative mainstream media sources have been systematically purged from content development by ‘administrators’ who can restrict edits and block accounts which editors do not want to get any hearing – i.e., plainly claiming exclusive control over what is thinkable, by setting boundaries of the debate and telling people how to think about it… Like many other deeply biased institutions of our brave new digital world, Wikipedia has hade itself into a kind of thought police that has de facto shackled conservative viewpoints on which they disagree, and effectively become an opponent of vigorous democracy, with only globalist and friendly progressive mainstream sources permitted” as source documentation for defining our world. [EPOCH TIMES – 7/5/21]
- THE PACE AND SCOPE OF COMING CHANGES is barely fathomable. “Over the next decade, waves of exponential technology advances will eclipse prior decades of breakthroughs in scale and impact …transforming our lives from the bottom up, driven by artificial intelligence, 5G networks, surging computer power and hardware advancements.” Among the most consequential ‘Metatrends’ will be: (1) Global connectivity of every machine, appliance and among everyone; (2) Augmented reality impacting all industries – advertising, shopping, education & entertainment; (3) Augmented human intelligence in “cognitive ability, problem-solving capacity, and capacity to build new ventures at a fraction of current cost”; (4) AI – Human collaboration in every aspect of work, “supporting creative tasks, generating new ideas, tackling previously unattainable innovations”; (5) Human health span increasing by 10+ years; (6) with opportunities emerging for “many dozens of Google-sized trillion dollar, and thousands of multi-hundred-million-dollar, startups on the horizon.” [PETER DIAMANDIS – 7/4/21]
- THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: The true meaning of five critical words used by women: https://biggeekdad.com/2017/06/5-words-women-use/