- REMAINING PRODUCTIVE WHILE WORKING AT HOME IS CHALLENGING FOR MOST – worse even than office work, where typical disruptions occur every three minutes and can take up to 23+ minutes to get ‘back on task’ according to a recent UC-Irvine study. Time management begins with calendaring of priorities, but optimizing effectiveness mostly involves factors like: (1) Quieting Stimuli – temperature, noise, kids, text or phone interruptions, etc. – in order to allow focus; and (2) Holding yourself Accountable – by sticking to a schedule and avoiding as best possible letting your mind wander to other personal matters. None is easy, but these are critical factors in achieving productivity & effectiveness in your work role. Call us for courtesy consult.
- GREATER RISK OF DEMENTIA MAY STEM FROM “DRINKING TO THE POINT OF LOSING CONSCIOUSNESS.” Latest research by doctors at University College London surveyed over 130K participants with 10-year follow-up to conclude that “neurodegenerative diseases were double” those reporting not having drunk to that level, irrespective of whether they were ‘heavy’ or ‘moderate’ drinkers – although the heavies had 1.2 times greater risk for developing dementia. While definition of ‘passing out’ was imperfect – potentially overestimating the exact cause of “going to sleep following excessive alcohol intake” – previous smaller experiments have examined the same ‘blackout-dementia link’ with consistent findings. [NEOSCOPE – 9/11/20]
- PANDEMIC FACTUAL REALITY CHECK: (1) The Wuhan Virus is .12 microns in size and Respiratory Droplets are as small as .5 microns which is why CDC demands wearing masks to allegedly prevent coronavirus spread. However CDC just announced, in connection with the smoke & debris from current western wildfires, that “cloth masks are NOT effective in stopping particulates below .4 to .7 microns in size”; (2) The Covid stats of make abundantly clear that peoples’ reaction is what caused extra fatalities, a result of: “massively amplified small segments of dead virus (which CDC says can remain up to 9 weeks after beating it)… PCR test itself which the Nobel biochemist invented in order to generate research samples but objected to using as a means for testing… CDC instruction to doctors to list Covid on death certificates even if the patient tested negative, so long as they ‘assumed’ it made some contribution… DC Director announcing ‘far greater deaths from drug overdose than we’re seeing from Covid’… Deaths in U.S. cities where Governors forced all diagnosed Covid patients into nursing homes which represented 40% of all deaths (and with median age above 80), plus having locked them up inside with no fresh air, allowing aerosol particles carrying other ordinary respiratory viruses from sick inmates to spread… Removing nursing home fatalities from the statistics, Covid never even reached the CDC threshold to qualify as an Epidemic”; (3) The info we get from all sides is predominantly propaganda. “National media ranks dead last in ‘Trust’ (per latest CBS poll of registered voters) to provide accurate info & analysis about Covid – even below CDC, President or Governors)… and more interested in cheap ‘gotchas’ & tweets than in-depth nuanced reporting, an entire industry of professionals working to undermine any potential solution.” Draw your own conclusions. [THE SPECTATOR and RED STATE – 9/10/20]
- WITH 3 MONTHS OF CALIFORNIA WILDFIRE SEASON TO GO, another 4,000 acres & 3,700 structures have already burned to the ground. Catastrophic damage increases each year for a few fundamental reasons: (1) Out-of-date Regulations including treatment of ‘urban’ areas as “unburnable, despite science showing the majority of building catch fire from burning embers blown over a mile away from flaming vegetation,” and bar insurers from restricting renewal of insurance coverage in high-risk areas – which “encourage resistance to change of materials & aesthetics”; (2) Environmental forest protection policies which forbid cutting away dead trees & shrubs which then serve as kindling; (3) Climate Change causing higher temperatures combined with drier landscapes after two decades of ‘mega-drought.’ “If state leaders rethought their misguided policies, they would at least wreak less havoc.” [ECONOMIST – 9/12/20]
- P.C. LATEST: Rutgers University has declared that “proper grammar is part of white supremacy because students of multilingual non-standard, academic English backgrounds are allegedly disadvantaged, and will now emphasize ‘Social Justice’ and ‘Critical Grammar’ in effort to ‘stand with & respond’ to the BLM movement.” [LBN EXAMINER – 9/13/20]
- THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: “Politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians. It’s the art of preventing people from taking part in affairs which may properly concern them”… “Be careful when you follow the masses – sometimes the ‘M’ is silent”… “There are three things now one can take away from you: Education, Experience and Memories.”