September 8, 2023
Weekly Report 23-48
EVEN WHEN LEADERSHIP STRATEGY IS WELL-DEVELOPED, IT’S MANAGERS WHO ARE CRITICAL to effectively implementing strategy, by leading their teams toward common objectives and coaxing optimal productivity. Optimally effective Managers generally: (1) Clearly communicate direction & expectations to their staff and monitor consistently to ensure alignment; (2) Meet regularly with individual workers to coach, develop, and... Continue
September 1, 2023
Weekly Report 23-47
PERFORMANCE OF MILLENNIAL AND Z-GEN EMPLOYEES WHO CAN MULTI-TASK is generally regarded as optimally efficient, but this is arguable according to various studies. Yearly, over 300 million tweets and two-trillion text messages have affected the mental focus and attention span of Americans, basically by shifting attention from boredom over ads that are bombarded to attract... Continue
August 29, 2023
Weekly Report 23-46
LEADERSHIP DECISION-MAKING IS OFTEN BASED ON INTUITION AS MUCH AS OBJECTIVE DATA, and procrastination is common when necessary to terminate an employee – especially for feelings of personal relationship and/or when having been responsible for recruitment, management guidance, or providing sufficient resources along the way. But the principle ‘Hire Slow, Fire Fast’ is most always... Continue
August 24, 2023
Weekly Report 23-45
“TEAMWORK IS NOT ALWAYS THE BEST WAY OF WORKING. While collaboration offers benefits in specific contexts, and ‘collective intelligence is often seen as greater than the sum of its parts, tradeoffs between time, accuracy & efficiency for coordination of team members can outweigh benefits… Researchers at Oxford found that even having ‘experts’ in a group... Continue
August 16, 2023