
August 11, 2023

Weekly Report 23-43

UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN STRATEGY AND TACTICS IS CRITICAL TO OPTIMIZING PROFITABILITY. Without clear and tangible Goals which are forecastable & monitored, with clarity in the Objectives necessary to be achieved, the tactical steps of management as well as workers are seldom most efficient, and very often can lead to meaningless unproductive busyness, needless conflicts,... Continue
August 5, 2023

Weekly Report 23-42

OPTIMAL BUSINESS PERFORMANCE IS CONSISTENTLY ACHIEVED THROUGH LEADERSHIP BY CORE BUSINESS EXPERTS who are able to develop clear business purpose, demonstrate a high standard of performance for workers and promotion, set appropriate goals, communicate & support staff, inspire team thinking, and lead by example. Research finds that “a worker’s immediate boss has the largest effect... Continue
August 1, 2023

Weekly Report 23-41

EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP INVOLVES BEING A GOOD JUGGLER between delivering successful outcomes while connecting with and motivating work teams – seldom inherent mutual human traits. Studies have shown that promotions to management are generally based on technical competence not personality, and that fewer than one-in-six have a chance at being seen as a great leader; when... Continue
July 26, 2023

Weekly Report 23-40

BUSINESS LEADERS OFTEN OVERLOOK THE FACT THAT EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP IS ABOUT more than being assertive or charismatic; it also requires being open to insights from those being led! Leadership is functionally a ‘Top Down’ process, but also involves a balance between guiding and being guided by ‘on the line’ working teams. A few reminders for... Continue
July 19, 2023

Weekly Report 23-39

A REMINDER — HOW DCG CAN HELP YOU NAVIGATE THE UPCOMING STRATEGIC & FINANCIAL MINEFIELDS. We are now calendaring courtesy consultation sessions in areas including:        Strategic Consultancy  Business Strategy / Change & Transition Management / Communication Process / Crisis & Continuity Planning / Cultural Congruity / Cybersecurity Protection/ Entity Formation / Positioning for Funding /... Continue