July 14, 2023
Weekly Report 23-38
ALL EVIDENCE TO DATE NOW CONFIRMS A SYSTEM OF WIDESPREAD FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PROPAGANDA which, in collusion with mainstream media, has significantly silenced criticism and political dissent. Narratives relating particularly to Covid realities and Biden family economic relationships with foreign countries have literally been censored by unaccountable officials engaged in ‘public-private partnerships’ designed to evade public... Continue
July 7, 2023
Weekly Report 23-37
“GONE ARE THE DAYS WHEN ‘CHANGE’ WAS A PERIODIC EVENT, versus today’s fast-paced digital world in a steady state of change and evolution.” New applications and collaborative tools largely contribute to employee distraction from interruptions every 5-minutes, annoyance at needing to adapt to new procedures, and generally feeling they don’t already have enough time to... Continue
June 30, 2023
Weekly Report 23-36
AS POLITICAL & SOCIAL ISSUES INCREASINGLY DOMINATE THE NEWS, remember that surveys and opinion polls are seldom accurate and often misleading, particularly as to Trends. The principal reasons are: (1) Bias in phrasing of questions by pollsters always impacts response; (2) Surveys by phone vs email vs in-person get different responses, a result of... Continue
June 27, 2023
Weekly Report 23-35
PURSUIT OF OPTIMAL BUSINESS SKILLS TAKES MANY FORMS. Latest research suggests that up to a quarter of people have ‘Lucid Dreams’ regularly – a state of sleep where a degree of control can foster generation of ideas and even ‘rehearsal’ for real-life events, like making speeches, preparing for discussions, solving problems, even musical performances.... Continue
June 19, 2023