
April 20, 2023

Weekly Report 23-23

WHY MEDIATION VERSUS LITIGATING DISPUTES? DCG professional services include Informal Mediation, a negotiation process which is voluntary, private, always substantially faster, cheaper and dramatically less stressful. The process involves only the principal parties communicating with each other in quiet & neutral settings – versus attorneys speaking on their behalf.  It focuses on economic/ financial/ tax... Continue
April 16, 2023

Weekly Report 23-22

  FAMILY BUSINESSES, WHICH COMPRISE NINE IN TEN OF THE WORLD’S ENTERPRISES, FACE DILEMMAS AND COMMON CHALLENGES. Most typical are: “(1) Family loyalty and multi-generational thinking which morphs into resistance to change; (2) Clash with outside equity interests; (3) Meeting family expectations and continuing a legacy while achieving personal fulfillment of heirs; (4) Frustration of... Continue
April 11, 2023

Weekly Report 23-21

EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP STEMS FROM AUTHENTICITY, TRANSPARENCY AND INTEGRITY, demonstrated consistently by an organization’s leaders whose actions resonate with their words, and reflecting congruency between values & behavior – i.e. company culture… Leaders who develop a management persona that does not align with out-of-office behavior are typically perceived as insincere, which in turn arouses suspicion, strains... Continue
April 5, 2023

Weekly Report 23-20

AGI – ARTIFICIAL GENERAL INTELLIGENCE – refers to the “ability of an intelligent agent to understand or learn any intellectual task that human beingsor other animals can; the hypothetical future moment at which machines become capable of completing intellectual tasks at the level of a human, or higher.” Given the rapidity with which ChatGPT has entered mainstream usage, many experts... Continue
March 30, 2023

Weekly Report 23-19

GIVING EMPLOYEES NEGATIVE FEEDBACK IS GENERALLY UNPLEASANT, so too often “leaders keep kicking the can, hoping the issue will go away. But avoiding these conversations both abdicate responsibility to develop the employee, and also risks letting down the whole team – because culture of an organization isn’t what you say it is, but rather the... Continue