
August 16, 2021

Weekly Report 21-63

THE CRYPTOCURRENCY MARKET VALUE FOR DIGITAL TOKENS, WHICH NOW EXCEEDS $100 BILLION, was rocked last week by a $600 million hack – but all of which was returned, after “a slew of crypto experts & businesses pledged to track the hacker’s activity on the blockchain.” His identity remains unknown but the hacker claims he was... Continue
August 12, 2021

Weekly Report 21-62

RETURN TO OFFICE WORKPLACES IS COMPLICATED. According to a new McKinsey study, one-in-three workers so far say that transitioning back has “negatively impacted their mental health and they are five times more likely to want reduced responsibility, with 44% who are parents/caregivers worried about contracting the virus & spreading to their unvaccinated kids… Nearly half... Continue
August 7, 2021

Weekly Report 21-61

“OUR PARENTS MAY HAVE BEEN RIGHT all those times they warned that staring at the TV all day would fry our eyeballs.” Lifestyle changes from Covid-19, over a year spent indoors staring at movies/ TV/ video games/ computers/ smartphones or other digital devices, have directly caused short-sightedness in kids.  According to a research study of... Continue
August 2, 2021

Weekly Report 21-59

PAST THE POINT OF NO RETURN!         Once upon a quieter time, looking backward from today, our world seemed pretty stable in most important ways.      Folks woke up most mornings with ‘great new day’ perception, and little wasted energy on the last bizarre election. Just a few decades later, the picture greatly changed... Continue
August 2, 2021

Weekly Report 21-60

AS Q4 LOOKS PROMISING FOR RETURN TO NORMAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Maintaining stability is now a matter of continuous attention, learning and flexible response as circumstances evolve. While economic & political changes are still uncertain, the historical model of organizational decision-making is still important – where leaders collectively decide on annual strategies, budgets & tactics, and... Continue