
May 17, 2021

Weekly Report 21-42

WE ARE WITNESSING THE MOST PROFOUND REALIGNEMNT IN AMERICAN POLITICAL ECONOMY in nearly 40 years… as cross-partisan Americans want some of the biggest companies broken up, significantly higher minimum wages, a wealth tax on billionaires, and believe significantly more public investment is required to create economic growth… Many still distrust governments (some profoundly) but the... Continue
May 12, 2021

Weekly Report 21-41

GOVERNMENT-RUN DIGITAL CURRENCIES ARE THE “NEXT GREAT EXPERIMENT IN FINANCE,” with day-trading now the latest major technology disruption to both conventional banking and to internet platforms already serving over three-billion payment app and e-wallet users. “Over 50 monetary authorities representing the bulk of global GDP are currently exploring digital currencies… motivated by fear of losing... Continue
May 9, 2021

Weekly Report 21-40

“ALL GOOD RELATIONSHIPS – PERSONAL, PROFESSIONAL, COMMERCIAL, INSTITUTIONAL – ARE BASED ON AND RELY ON TRUST …without which people have less access to their highest cognitive functions, so won’t be able to be as strategic, creative, innovative, or to see things from other people’s perspectives. As a result, the quality of decision-making suffers, interpersonal relationships... Continue
May 6, 2021

Weekly Report 21-39

‘LUCK’ – GOOD OR BAD – IS AN ESOTERIC CONCEPT; there really is no such thing. ‘Success,’ in all facets of life and particularly Business, is often attributed to Good Luck, but it’s more a matter of good Timing. And combined with reality-based strategic Goals & Objectives, sensible prioritization and utilization of available resources, entrepreneurs... Continue
May 3, 2021

Weekly Report 21-38

TIME MANAGEMENT IS THE PRINCIPAL COMPONENT OF LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS for most business owners and execs, but most are unprepared and/or unwilling to change their routines. But overcoming the challenges to optimal efficiency & effectiveness is not a complex or complicated process; it simply requires intention, focus and commitment to giving up old ‘habits’. The major... Continue