
June 20, 2020

Weekly Report 20-45

MANY SMALL BUSINESSES REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT SOME BIZARRE EXTERNAL EVENT could severely disrupt their company, and dismiss the importance of Continuity Planning for such a crisis – exceptionally unlikely, but possible risks like floods, hurricanes, mob terrorism, pandemics, or other scenarios where absence of advance planning can be crucial to even survival. Disaster planning... Continue
June 17, 2020

Weekly Report 20-44

THE COVID PANDEMIC HAS CREATED “POSSIBLY THE MOST STRESSFUL EXPERIENCE many people have had in their lifetime (routine upended, unemployment, infection), creating immense challenges which normally would have reassurance and support of family & friends. But due to the nature of virus, people are more physically alone than ever, making it much harder to cope,... Continue
June 15, 2020

Weekly Report 20-43

‘OFFICE POLITICS’ IS BROADLY ABOUT INTERACTION “OUTSIDE FORMAL ORGANIZATIONAL PROCESSES to accomplish personal objectives, at the expense of the organization… often an essential ingredient of trust and reciprocity which strengthen interpersonal relations at work.” With many offices now expected to remain virtual, the impact may be significant. “Research has shown that in offices moving from... Continue
June 11, 2020

Weekly Report 20-42

STRATEGIC PLANNING BEGINS WITH STRATEGIC THINKING, WHICH BEGINS WITH CAPACITY TO FOCUS – a not-so-easy practice when uncertainty, disrupted routines and chaotic surroundings keep increasing these days. Our minds need “time to give the brain opportunity to pause, untangle, and sort through observations & experiences, consider multiple possible interpretations and create meaning, which can then... Continue
June 10, 2020

Weekly Report 20-41

IN A MATTER OF MONTHS, SOCIETY HAS CHANGED FROM PERCEIVING REMOTE WORK as a “luxury, or even ‘freelancer lifestyle,’ to realizing the vast majority of jobs today can be done from home. Video calls have gone from being a suboptimal alternative to a core function of the way people can communicate, and the impact is... Continue