April 21, 2020
Weekly Report 20-25
FAMILY BUSINESS OWNERS: As COVID-19 lock-downs are released and ‘restart’ commences, it’s more than ever critical that operating strategies are consistent with business Goals & Objectives, and are reality-based in today’s New Normal. This encompasses everything you think you know and don’t know, but also factors that you can’t know you don’t know. Smart business... Continue
April 18, 2020
Weekly Report 20-24
DURING CRISES OF ANY TYPE when information is unavailable or inconsistent, people’s desire for making sense out of what’s happening becomes paramount. For employees now working at home or business premises under tight restrictions, effective communication is critical – not only to perform productively, but to help them cope emotionally. Fundamental steps include: (1) Conveying... Continue
April 16, 2020
Weekly Report 20-23
SO FAR IN THIS CRISIS, OUR ‘ELITES’ HAVE LET US DOWN. “Those with specialization in education that results in tilted degrees and presumed authority have dictated the decisions of most politicians, media & public officials – who for the most part share their values… But on every contentious issue, our Elite seem unable to admit... Continue
April 13, 2020
Weekly Report 20-22
WITHIN THE NEXT DECADE, HALF OF U.S. ADULTS WILL PROBABLY BE OBESE. Already 42% are, along with another 32% who are overweight, according to CDC analysis and forecasting. “Women, African-Americans, and those with ‘low socioeconomic status’ are affected at a significantly higher rate… Genetics plays a role, but sedentary lifestyle and diets heavy in ultra-processed... Continue
April 9, 2020