
October 11, 2019

Weekly Report 19-42

‘ORGANIC’ LABELING IS FAR FROM FIRMLY DEFINITIVE, but: (1) For milk products, a USDA seal relates to dairy cows which haven’t been raised with antibiotics, hormones, pesticides or GMOs, and must get a third of their calories from grazing; (2) Organic bread products are supposedly baked without preservatives or sweeteners, but not limited to containing... Continue
October 1, 2019

Weekly Report 19-41

FRUSTRATION WITH WASTED TIME IN COMPANY MEETINGS can be lessened by: (1) Scheduling start/stop times and abiding by them. Studies show that 90 minutes is optimal for attention span effectiveness; (2) NO phones or computers to preclude text or email interference. ‘Taking notes’ excuse is redundant since a summary will be provided; (3) Quick review... Continue
September 22, 2019

Weekly Report 19-40

TIME MIS-MANAGEMENT AT THE LEADERSHIP LEVEL CAN HAVE CRITICAL IMPACTS on productivity and organizational results, particularly from “Initiative Overload… since Leadership time too often gets treated as though it were limitless, with all good opportunities receiving high priority, regardless of the human capacity to drive them forward… New projects which get heaped on top of... Continue
September 18, 2019

Weekly Report 19-39

HOW BIG A ROLE DOES MEDIA PLAY IN ENCOURAGING COPYCAT MASS SHOOTINGS? Police officers and media outlets are belatedly but “increasingly choosing to downplay the identities of perpetrators to avoid potentially inspiring others to carry out similar atrocities… since publishing their names & photos often essentially reward them with fame and attention… by describing shooters... Continue
September 12, 2019

Weekly Report 19-38

LEADING AND MANAGING MILLENNIALS EFFECTIVELY has become a major challenge for companies and organizations. Surveys suggest that up to a third of millennials contend they experience work-related anxiety – at least double the level attributable to older generations. “The behavior associated with anxiety includes stress, depression, withdrawal and/or lack of focus, which unaware Managers and... Continue