May 24, 2019
Weekly Report 19-22
SCARE FOR THE WEEK: The back passenger seats of Uber, Lyft & other ride-sharing cars “carry 35,000 times as many germs as the average toilet seat, and 219 times as the average licensed cab, which is required to get regular cleaning” [says a new study reported in THE WEEK]. VISIBLE SKIN AGING – WRINKLES, SAGGING, SMOOTHNESS... Continue
May 23, 2019
Weekly Report 19-21
AROUND 17% OF THE 800+ JOB CATEGORIES WILL DISAPPEAR WITHIN SEVEN YEARS. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that biggest losers will be workers at the $30K to $50K wage level, including: over half the Respiratory Health Technicians; around a third of Word Processors/Typists; and around a quarter of Data-entry/Computer/Telephone operators, Post Office, and Factory... Continue
May 9, 2019
Weekly Report 19-20
“STRATEGIC PLANNING IS A PROCESS, NOT AN EVENT. Generating a comprehensive document only to use it as ‘show & tell,’ then collect dust on a shelf, is a waste of time & money. The Plan should be a ‘living’ document, refreshed and measured as often as market conditions competitors, technology and core assumptions can change.”... Continue
May 1, 2019
Weekly Report 19-19
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN CHARGE: AI now monitors ‘productivity’ and “automatically generates warnings and terminations without input from supervisors” at Amazon fulfillment centers. At one facility, failure to meet productivity benchmarks (i.e. quotas) based on “proprietary metrics like customer demand and location… in some cases hundreds of boxes per hour… resulted in firing over 10% of... Continue
April 23, 2019