
September 21, 2018

Weekly Report 18-38

 IF THE CONGRESSIONAL MAJORITY SHIFTS DEMOCRATIC after this November election, up to 100 possible “investigations” are already being considered, based on those “already called for but unable to move forward due to current Republican opposition,” including probes into Trump family business revenues & tax returns, White House staff email practices, Puerto Rico hurricane response, illegal-entry... Continue
September 21, 2018

Weekly Report 18-39

“THE DATA REVOLUTION IS CHANGING BUSINESSES IN PROFOUND AND UNALTERABLE WAYS, and the emergence of data ‘analytics’ requires a healthy data ‘culture’…with a goal of achieving deep business engagement, creating employee pull, and cultivating a sense of purpose, so that data can support operations instead of the other way around… The most important objective is... Continue
September 6, 2018

Weekly Report 18-37

STRATEGIC PLANNING IS NOT JUST A BUZZ-PHRASE, it’s the process by which businesses can address the array of challenges that lead to success or failure, whether intending to expand or just stabilize. The process effectively has three dimensions: (1) Clarifying a STRATEGY which articulates the consensus Vision of what owners ‘want to get to and... Continue
August 31, 2018

Weekly Report 18-36

HALFWAY BETWEEN PHYSICAL OFFICE & VIRTUAL OFFICE STRATEGIES, and increasing in popularity, are ‘Remote Worker’ programs. Beyond cost savings, this policy for some businesses serves to attract more high-caliber employees, optimize time zone productivity, and provide better work/life balance for employees. However, recruiting and managing Remote Workers adds challenges which often get overlooked, including: (1)... Continue
August 24, 2018

Weekly Report 18-34

 THE NEWEST AIR TRAVEL GIMMICK IS ‘SMART’ LUGGAGE. (1) Modobag doubles as an electric sit-down scooter, rideable along the corridors to terminal gates, after raising retractable handlebars with a thumb-tab to operate motor & brakes; battery & transmission take up a good portion of packing space and it weighs 20 pounds (half the allowance for... Continue