
June 8, 2018

Weekly Report 18-24

“STRESS IS REALLY JUST OUR BODY’S RESPONSE TO A CHALLENGE and follows an ‘inverted U’ function: as pressure goes up, do does performance. But this is only to a certain point. Beyond that, greater pressure cause performance to drop.” So there’s a ‘sweet spot’ for stress: whereas chronic stress can lead to blood pressure, diabetes,... Continue
June 2, 2018

Weekly Report 18-23

“ELECTRONIC MAIL AS WE KNOW IT IS DROWNING IN SPAM, FORGED PHISHING EMAILS, SCAMS, HACKS, and it’s going to get worse before it gets better… because the software we use to access email has clumsily been bolted on to the original system without fixing any of the underlying protocols to support that functionality… When the... Continue
May 27, 2018

Weekly Report 18-22

IT’S BEEN A YEAR SINCE ‘WannaCry’ RANSOMWARE infected over 200K machines in 150 countries, bringing the global marketplace to a standstill and causing billions in damages. Since then, there have been over 175 million new attempted attacks as “nation-state developed hacking tools have become widespread, and as newest variations of ransomware have evolved to automated,... Continue
May 19, 2018

Weekly Report 18-21

OFFICE WORKSPACE IS INCREASINGLY STRUCTURED FOR ‘OPEN FLOOR PLAN’ WORK WITHOUT WALLS, the objective being, beyond cost savings, “supposedly to promote sense of community and culture. But whenever people work together, it often leads to tension and arguments when co-workers don’t respect boundaries or listen to concerns of others.” Stuck with overhearing personal calls, smelling... Continue
May 11, 2018

Weekly Report 18-20

“JUST BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE HAVE TROUBLE SPEAKING UP DOESN’T MEAN THEY DON’T HAVE VALUABLE THINGS TO SAY.” Most meetings tend to be dominated by extroverts who speak, present, and collaborate in teams without hesitation, while employees who are more introverted “tend to be observers in group settings… more comfortable thinking through what they want to... Continue