May 5, 2018
Weekly Report 18-19
EXECS FOR START-UP AND EXPANDING BUSINESS OFTEN “LOSE SIGHT OF THE BIG PICTURE when setting business strategies and targets, due to overly optimistic views about projects and performance… and end up with a ‘hockey stick’ projection that performance will sail forward, failing to reflect the impacts of (1) market realities such as changes in end-markets,... Continue
April 28, 2018
Weekly Report 18-18
“THE FASTEST WAY TO LOSE TALENT IS TO MICROMANAGE IT… which micromanagers don’t even realize they’re doing until it’s too late… Their biggest challenge is getting out of their own way, since they haven’t learned how to trust themselves yet.” So strategy for working with micromanaging overseers starts with building trust by (1) asking questions... Continue
April 21, 2018
Weekly Report 18-17
WHEN CAN LAW ENFORCEMENT SEIZE & SEARCH YOUR MOBILE PHONE, TABLET OR PERSONAL COMPUTER? Laws are a little fuzzy among the states, but legal precedent generally holds that: (1) If you or, in your absence, an employer/spouse/roommate give consent. (But, even then, you are not required to provide passcodes or encryption keys under the Fifth... Continue
April 14, 2018
Weekly Report 18-16
“IT’S A MYTH THAT MACs ARE MORE SECURE THAN PCs… In early days, Windows was susceptible to viruses and Macs were generally safe from this subcategory of malware. However, today both are susceptible to vulnerabilities and malware… Less than three months into 2018, there have been as many new distinct examples of Mac malware as have... Continue
April 11, 2018