August 31, 2017
Weekly Report 17-36
RESISTANCE TO ‘CHANGE,’ PARTICULARLY FOR EMPLOYEES, IS A TREMENDOUS OBSTACLE to implementing strategic direction, and a major factor in even the most well-conceived transition plans, which stems predominantly from insecurity and/or lack of self-esteem. Since “the oldest & strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest & strongest kind of fear is fear of... Continue
August 22, 2017
Weekly Report 17-35
ORGANIZING YOUR WORK HOURS IS A CRITICAL STEP TO IMPROVE TIME MANAGEMENT and maximize productivity, as well as “minimize clutter & procrastination to help focus and feeling more energized.” A few simple steps are: (1) Scheduling your calendar by ‘chunks’ (e.g. Priority Calls, Review Emails, Plan for meetings, Priority Work), with creative tasks planned early... Continue
August 17, 2017
Weekly Report 17-34
THE IMPACT OF HAVING UP TO FIVE GENERATIONS APPROACHING ‘WORK’ with differing commitment & discipline “is becoming more pronounced and thus creating more problems than ever before… Generational differences are real and more than just ‘back in my day’ or ‘issues, stemming from how workers were raised, what critical events took place during their formative... Continue
August 9, 2017
Weekly Report 17-33
GENERATION ‘Z’ COLLEGE GRADS ARE NOW ENTERING THE WORKFORCE with business focus quite different from the millennials in many critical areas, including particularly: (1) surveys show over 80% prefer communicating with bosses face-to-face (albeit in quick sound bites) versus email or text; (2) over half want to develop their own job descriptions, with over 60%... Continue
August 3, 2017