
August 19, 2022

Weekly Report 22-44

IN THE PAST FEW DECADES, A GENERATION OF KIDS HAVE BEEN CRIPPLED by dumping elementary school subjects like math & reading. In 2000, a National Reading Panel of literary experts recommended explicit instruction in skills like “phonemic awareness/ phonics/ fluency/ vocabulary/ comprehension – aka the ‘Science of Reading’…  However, cliques of teachers too spoiled &... Continue
August 14, 2022

Weekly Report 22-43

DO YOU HAVE AT LEAST ONE COMPETANT INDEPENDANT ADVISOR IN BUSINESS OR PERSONAL MATTERS?  Most family & closely-held companies do not, unaware of the unique value from seasoned perspective, above & beyond personal skills or experience from those within their organization. Even among companies who do have ‘Advisory’ Boards: (1) Many were appointed primarily as... Continue
August 10, 2022

Weekly Report22-42

TODAY’S WORKERS ARE “EAGER FOR CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK.” A McKinsey survey of 12,000 Manager-level employees found nearly three-quarters considering “candid, insightful feedback as critical to their own career development.” However, recent polls find as few as 5% of subordinate employees believing that Managers provide such feedback. This workplace disconnect is attributable to an “uncomfortable truth: that... Continue
August 4, 2022

Weekly Report 22-41

A MAJOR SOURCE FOR AGGRESSIVE E-MAIL PITCHES AND EXPOSURE TO PHISHING ATTACKS IS LINKED-IN. Beyond privacy risks, Visibility Settings also allow others to know when others view their profiles. Complete animosity can be achieved with ‘Private Mode,’ but even a few steps are helpful: (1) Simple deletion of Birthday information, Permission to copy Contacts, Sharing... Continue
July 28, 2022

Weekly Report 22-40

EMPLOYEE RECRUITMENT IS TOUGH ENOUGH, BUT RETENTION IS BECOMING MAYBE EVEN TOUGHER. Execs and supervisors often forfeit opportunities to lessen the risk of workers quitting when they avoid difficult discussions until it’s too late – usually  because talking about uncomfortable issues involves vulnerability which can become awkward, disappointing and involve egos. But conflict resolution is... Continue