September 28, 2020
Weekly Report 20-80
COMPUTER DATA SECURITY FEARS HAVE BEEN EXACERBATED now that the pandemic has necessitated much of the world working from home, especially with media reports “shedding light on serious security holes… including vulnerabilities in Amazon’s Alexa platform that could allow attackers to access personal info… and that 98%% of all IoT device traffic is unencrypted.” Newest... Continue
September 22, 2020
Weekly Report 20-79
FAMILY BUSINESSES WHICH DON’T UTILIZE AN ‘ADVISORY BOARD’ GENERALLY FAIL TO OPTIMIZE THEIR POTENTIAL, since relying solely on a management team to guide themselves often results in ‘failing to see the forest for the trees.’ An effective Advisory Board is typically a select group of “experienced & influential business leaders who are willing to help... Continue
September 19, 2020
Weekly Report 20-78
MOST FAMILY BUSINESSES WHICH HAVE TRANSITIONED TO AT LEAST 2nd GENERATION have not been negatively impacted by the pandemic, versus large publically funded/traded companies, based on a global survey covering 25 industries in 20 countries. The rationale is that while family companies are “concerned about short-term revenue & cash flow, few have deeper concerns about... Continue
September 16, 2020
Weekly Report 20-77
80% OF ROBOCALLS COME FROM FAKE NUMBERS, and answering or not “has no effect on how many more you’ll receive.” Based on a one-year study of over 1.5 million calls on 66K phone lines by researchers at No. Carolina State University, the main types of “annoying, illegal & fraudulent calls used fake or short-lived numbers... Continue
September 14, 2020