
July 18, 2020

Weekly Report 20-55

THE RESIDENTIAL 30-YEAR MORTGAGE LOAN RATE IS NOW BELOW 3% – lowest in four decades – now available to borrowers with strong credit scores and sufficient earnings or cash flow after large down payments, which is motivating home buying across the country. Rates will likely be influenced further downward or upward based on direction of... Continue
July 15, 2020

Weekly Report 20-54

DESPITE TODAY’S CHAOS, IN THEORY, WE SHOULD BE FEELING BETTER NOW THAT SUMMER IS HERE. Seasonal changes impact our brain’s health, affecting moods as well as cognition when daylight varies, and “people in general tend to be smarter in summer and fall.” During winter & spring months, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can induce negative feelings... Continue
July 14, 2020

Weekly Report 20-53

MODERN DAY UPDATES OF PARKINSON’S LAW that “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” (1) For employees who are ‘slackers,’ taking advantage of stay-at-home rules to work minimum hours: ‘For the unconcerned, when unobserved, work shrinks to fill the time required’; (2) For those consumed by guilt, anxiety about job... Continue
July 9, 2020

Weekly Report 20-52

AMONG THE TOP CHALLENGES FOR LEADERS IS EFFECTIVELY COMMUNICATING with a broad range of stakeholders, customers & suppliers. A few critical factors in achieving effectiveness are: (1)) remembering that ‘transparency’ is today’s mantra, communicating meaningful information often and consistently; (2) sharing ‘why’ actions matter, more so than telling ‘what’; (3) speaking ‘authentically,’ sharing concerns &... Continue
July 8, 2020

Weekly Report 20-51

FOR NOW, I.R.S. AUDIT RISK FOR PERSONAL RETURNS IS MINISCULE. Mostly due to budget cuts and staff reductions, along with agency offices closed due to the pandemic, the rate of 2018 returns selected for audit so far is .15%, and for those with income above $1 million the chance is still below 1%. Over 250... Continue