
January 5, 2019

Weekly Report 19-02

“THE LOW REGARD FOR MODERATION IN PUBLIC LIFE TODAY fuels the ideological and partisan zealotry that is tearing this country apart… Ideology encourages fanaticism, disregard for social outcomes, invites irresolvable philosophical disputes, and encourages dodgy reasoning due to what psychologists call ‘motivated cognition’ – deciding what you want to believe, and using your reasoning power... Continue
December 30, 2018

Weekly Report 19-01

 “EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES ARE BLURRING TRADITIONAL INDUSTRY LINES, impacting people & organizations.” 2019 Predictions from DELOITTE INSIGHT (by one of the four largest global accounting/financial firms) include:   —  A growing list of 3D-PRINTABLE materials will push 3-D printers/materials/services above a $2.7 billion sales level.  —  Over 400 million SMART SPEAKERS will be connecting residential patrons, for... Continue
December 20, 2018

Weekly Report 18-52

AS WE HEAD INTO A NEW YEAR, WHAT’S ON THE RESEARCH HORIZON? An unsupervised machine-learning algorithm theoretically capable of “deriving the physical laws of the universe. Developed by M.I.T. physicists based on “fundamental strategies – Divide & Conquer, Occam’s Razor, Unification, and Lifelong Learning – the system has so far successfully solved for over 90%... Continue
December 13, 2018

Weekly Report 18-51

WHEN HIRING MISTAKES HAPPEN, impacts can include “cost of up to ten times salary if terminated within 2½ years, along with disruption of the organization, damage to morale, reducing employee productivity, creating HR headaches, and diminishing work quality, along with customer satisfaction and business reputation.” Principal weaknesses which can result in poor hires include: (1)... Continue
December 7, 2018

Weekly Report 18-50

EFFECTIVELY CONDUCTING BUSINESS IN TODAY’S ENVIRONMENT REQUIRES ONGOING STRATEGIC PLANNING based on forecasts between six months and two years, versus conventional three to five year models, and which focus on consistent & timely interaction between employee Teams – who, otherwise, tend to work in ‘silos.’ With risk of both stagnancy and being eclipsed by competitors,... Continue